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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br />Committee <br />November 19, 2015 <br />7:30 PM <br />Mashpee Town Hall <br />Meeting called by: Debi McManus <br />Type of meeting: Monthly <br />Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br />Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Barbara Nichols <br />Guests: <br />The minutes of the October 22, 2015 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Brian Mauro <br />and second by Barbara Nichols <br />Agenda topics <br />[Agenda topic 1] Lake level/ River outflow <br />Discussion: The lake levels were done by Barbara on November lst. and Brian on November 16th. They <br />were 55.2 and 55.3 feet above sea level with 10.5 and 9 inches flowing over the board closest to the lake. <br />There were 4.5 and 5.5 inches of water in the stream by the stairs. Small herring were seen leaving the <br />lake on the 16th. Measurements were sent to Drew McManus in Conservation. Barbara reported 2.6 <br />inches of water in the rain gauge in the past 2 weeks. <br />Conclusions: Lake level remains at 55.2- 55.3 feet above sea level. Small herring were observed. <br />[Agenda topic 2] Fall newsletter <br />Discussion: With Brian's contribution on winter safety, the newsletter was completed and sent to Chief <br />Collins, Town Manager on October 26th. He forwarded it to Christine Willander, his Administrative <br />Assistant who returned it the next day with corrections and improvements. Twenty copies were printed for <br />us and Barbara placed 5 copies in the Town flail rack. It was emailed to David Delvecchio and the next <br />day was placed on the town web site. A copy was emailed to Diane Lang of Lowell Holly and a few other <br />folks around the lake. <br />Conclusions: The Fall Newsletter is completed. <br />