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[Agenda topic 3] 2016 Meeting Dates <br />Discussion: The committee decided to continue meeting the fourth Thursday of each month, with the <br />exception of December and February. Dates were handed out for 2016. Barbara will turn in our request <br />for 2016 meeting rooms to the Town Clerk's office soon. <br />Conclusions: The MWLMC will continue to meet on the fourth Thursday at 7:30 PM and a meeting room <br />at Town Hall will be requested. <br />[Agenda topic 4] Power Launching of Boats on <br />Mashpee Wakeby <br />Discussion: Don was away, but emailed on Nov 11th that at the November Waterways meeting, there was <br />no update on repairing the boat launch damage caused by power loading of boats. Brian reported being at <br />the ramp and observing a large boat, power loading to get the boat off the trailer. He said that DPW had <br />been at the ramp and pulled up into the parking area just as the other boat arrived, and did not observe it. <br />Brian mentioned that signs should be placed right near the water, not back in the parking lot. <br />Conclusions: The boat launch still is awaiting repairs. <br />[Agenda topic 5] Harbormaster Position <br />Discussion: A vote was taken and passed to add the harbormaster position discussion to the agenda. <br />Barbara had seen an article in the Mashpee Enterprise explaining that the position for harbormaster was <br />getting a new -job description and was being revised to expand the scope of responsibilities to assist the <br />new natural resource officer in the winter when water activity is low. The expectation is to hire a <br />candidate to help with knowledge of nitrogen management also. The revision of the job description would <br />need to pass at the May town meeting. It is hoped the position would be posted soon. <br />Conclusions: The Harbormaster's job description is being revised and the committee hopes it will be filled <br />so all training can be completed before the next boating season. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 P.M. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Barbara B. Nicnols <br />