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<br />Town of Mashpee <br /> <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />BOARD OF SEWER COMMISSIONERS <br />Mashpee Town Hall- Waquoit Meeting Room 1 <br />Thursday, April 16, 2015 – 7:00 PM <br /> <br />Board Members Present: Also Present: <br />Tom Fudala, Chairman Jeff Gregg GHD <br />Joe Lyons, Vice Chairman Paul Gobell, Sewer Commission Administrator <br />Mark Gurnee, Clerk <br />Glenn Santos <br />Tom Burns <br /> <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Chairman Tom Fudala called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. <br /> <br />REVIEW OF MINUTES – 3/19/15 Meeting <br />Joe Lyons made a motion that the minutes from the March 19, 2015 meeting be approved as <br />presented. Tom Burns seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Tom Burns, yes; Joe Lyons, yes; <br />Tom Fudala, yes; Mark Gurnee, abstained; Glenn Santos, abstained. The motion was approved by <br />a vote of (3-0-2). <br /> <br />STATUS OF DRAFT FINAL PLAN – Jeff Gregg <br />Jeff Gregg reported that he had gone through all the comments received from the last draft plan, <br />and had updated the current draft with requested changes, with the exception of Rick York’s <br />comments that he had received just today. The only new change is the addition to Chapter 2 of a <br />summarization of the CCC 208 plan. <br /> <br />Jeff Gregg stated that many of the comments received dealt with monitoring of the plan and TMDL <br />compliance. Jeff stated that compliance is dependent on the performance of the shellfish; if the <br />shellfish do well, the compliance plan will be ahead of schedule before 25 years. <br /> <br />Jeff Gregg stated that he has set up a table that deals with shellfish; if there is “x” metric tons of <br />shellfish removed, then half of the weight of that removal is nitrogen. After 5 years, 50% of the <br />amount of the shellfish removed is nitrogen. Jeff Gregg has made changes to the tables in Chapter <br />9.2 and 9.3. The intent of the tables is to reflect where we are at the end of Phase 1: who is doing <br />what, and how much is being projected. Jeff stated that what he would like to be able to do is <br />indicate that these tables can be adjusted based on whatever those final agreed-upon values are in <br />the communities that have to deal with it. Jeff Gregg reminded the Committee that these are <br />planning numbers and he is trying to make the plan regionally cooperative among the towns of <br />Barnstable, Falmouth and Sandwich. Jeff stated that he would need to add a text reminder of the <br />phasing based on matrix prioritization. <br /> <br />Mark Gurnee reported on two of his major concerns about the plan:1) the shellfish effort will be <br />large, and when combined with those of Falmouth and other Cape towns will lead to a substantial <br />increase in shellfish on the U.S. market. Many infrastructures should be considered. <br /> 1 <br /> <br />