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10/8/2015 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
10/8/2015 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
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r <br /> Minutes Approved February 18, 2016(3-0 Vote) <br /> BOARD OF SEWER COMMISSIONERS <br /> MINUTES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2015 <br /> WAQUOIT MEETING ROOM <br /> Board Members Present: Also Present: <br /> Tom Fudala, Chairman Jeff Gregg, GHD <br /> Joe Lyons, Vice Chairman <br /> Tom Burns Absent: <br /> Glenn Santos Mark Gurnee, Clerk <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chairman Tom Fudala called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES—JULY 14, 2015 <br /> Motion: Glenn Santos moved to approve the minutes of July 14, 2015, seconded by <br /> Tom Lyons. Vote unanimous 4-0 <br /> Status of Final Plan - Status of DRI Review <br /> Jeff Gregg stated the Cape Cod Commission is going to use Mashpee as their pilot case <br /> for the first"watershed permit" but no one has said anything officially. He wasn't sure if <br /> that is what is holding up the completion of the DRI approval. Jeff suggested Tom <br /> Fudala send an email to Patty Daley and John Idman and ask them what the status is on <br /> approving the DRi. As far as GED is concerned, they are done with the flyer and with <br /> the last DRi meeting will have completed their contract and reached the end of their <br /> budget. The Cape Cod Commission opened the meeting and held it on July 14 and they <br /> were supposed to develop their comments. We got the MEPA comments and they were <br /> going to issue us the final comments but haven't. Jeff said he sent an email asking what <br /> the process is and what is going on next. They said it would be September, then October <br /> but there isn't anything new about the meeting. Jeff said he thinks it has to come from <br /> the Sewer Commission at this point to finish the process. <br /> Tom Fudala said Andy Gottlieb has been working on a watershed permit and meeting <br /> with Sandwich. Jeff said GHD had a sub agreement to work for the town and there were <br /> other meetings that Joyce and Andy asked him to do and received authorization from the <br /> Town Manager. He noted his company wants to get paid. Andy asked him to go to a <br /> meeting regarding what Mashpee plans were and whether or not there would be any <br /> opportunities for work between the two communities. Tom said the first meeting is <br /> Tuesday morning at 10 with Jeff, himself, Andy Gottlieb and Town Manager Collins. <br /> Jeff was not aware of this meeting. Tom recommended to Jeff that before he does <br />
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