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The committee voted unanimously to approve Mike Sweatman's application to become a member of the <br /> South Cape Beach State Park Advisory Committee, Mr. Sweatman was informed that Ms. Smith would <br /> inform the Board of Selectmen of the Committee recommendation to appoint him to the committee. Mr. <br /> Sweatman will need to stop by the Town Clerk's office to sign the appointment book. <br /> • WBNERR Update—Andy Depasqua <br /> Andy DePasqua gave the following report from WBNERR. The beach is open with no problems to <br /> report. This year there are no lifeguards, as the previous guards have graduated from college and are <br /> not available. WBNERR has been advertising actively for lifeguards but have received no response. <br /> Mr. Depasqua reported that the 2016 Capital Projects list has been released, but Will's Work Road was <br /> not included in the list. State Rep. David Vieira is still asking for a meeting with the State Executive Office <br /> of Energy and Environment to discuss the needs for the road and plans to improve it in hopes of getting <br /> funding for FY17. <br /> • Parking at the State Park <br /> William Martiros reminded the committee that the South Cape Beach was limited to 400 parking spaces, <br /> and that if more parking spaces were added to Callies Beach at the end of Will's Work Road, it might go <br /> beyond the 400-space limit. Jeri Smith stated that there were 250 parking spaces at the South Cape <br /> Beach State Park, and no more than 25 spaces at the town South Cape Beach. An additional 35 parkiing <br /> spaces, if they were added to Callie's Beach, would not approach the 400-space limit. <br /> • Committee Reorganization. <br /> Don Clarke made a motion to elect Jeri Smith as the chairman for the coming year. Lewis Newell <br /> seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> Perry Ellis nominated Mike Cardeiro as Vice Chairman for the coming year. Lewis Newell seconded the <br /> motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> Mike Cardeiro nominated Perry Ellis as Clerk for the coming year. Lewis Newell seconded the motion. <br /> The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> NEXT MEETING <br /> The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015, to be held at the South Cape Beach State <br /> Park observation deck, at 5 PM. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> As there was no further business, Perry Ellis made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Robert <br /> Lancaster seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at <br /> 5:35 PM. <br /> Respectfully submittd, <br /> Ina G. Schloo m <br /> Recording S etary <br /> 2 <br />