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k z si <br /> 33 <br /> that's how it works. If you keep it simple, stupid, and make it really accessible, that cuts down <br /> on signage. <br /> Catherine: That's what we tried to do, to be honest, Glenn, locate all of the recycling in a single <br /> area. It used to be that a lot of stuff was down where our composting is. We've brought the <br /> scrap metal up, we've brought the propane up, just so that it was all...but yes, we're constrained <br /> because it was an existing landfill site that was partially excavated to create the transfer station. <br /> So it's not all in a single row. <br /> Glenn: When you go through the gate and take a right, you have all that grass area before you <br /> start going to the containers. Even if you take that grass out, I don't think it would require a <br /> change of permit. It would be increasing the parking lot and put the containers more accessible. <br /> Catherine: What we can do if you're concerned about this, there is a container that we can <br /> remove that the Boy Scouts put their cans in. We'll get rid of it. <br /> Glenn: I've heard excuses, "I don't want to have to walk over there. It's a hassle to walk over <br /> there. I can just go up there and throw it in the trash." When I first started with Barnstable, we <br /> had complete separation. We had #1 plastic, #2, milk jugs and you wouldn't believe how many <br /> glass jars you found in the milk jugs and how many milk jugs you found in the glass jars and <br /> how many tin cans were in there. And then the poor guys used to stack newspapers in the box <br /> were pulling their hair out because they found cardboard and the age-old saying has always <br /> been "don't get in the way of a man's trash". <br /> Mike: So I guess as we increase these options we can just keep looking at better ways to make <br /> it easier. <br /> Tom O'Hara: But those are good ideas. It's just a matter of where you put the containers to <br /> accept the magazines and the..... <br /> John Cahalane: That place is so much improved. It seems like every six months it's improved <br /> more so it's not like it hasn't been thought of. <br /> Tom O'Hara: You're right, it has improved. It's just a matter of finding space, I'm sure. It is <br /> tight. <br /> Wayne: We're not through yet with number Agenda#3. <br /> Catherine: As I said, food waste will be introduced in the next week or two. Textiles we will <br /> work on the point that it's any textiles, whether it be linens, or a shirt that has a tear in it, it can <br /> still go in the bin. <br /> Mike: What else on number 3? <br /> Wayne: Review of Existing Proposals. We talked about bringing in .teff Kabral and then we got <br /> an email from Catherine, and it seems like that was almost immediately dismissed because she <br /> said that it cost the Town of Winchester from her investigation, that it's too costly. I think this <br /> needs to be discussed. In the Mashpee Enterprise I'm reading from a Patrick Flynn from Forest <br /> Drive in Mashpee. He says we shouldn't dismiss this. It needs to be looked into. Is that what <br /> we're here for or not? <br /> Tom O'Hara: I thought he was coming tonight. I thought we had agreed to have him come. <br /> Wayne: That's what I thought, too. <br /> Joyce: (Inaudible) to come way down from Winchester. I thought... <br /> Tom O'Hara: I thought he volunteered to come down. <br /> Wayne: He did. <br /> Catherine: When I spoke to him he didn't have it on his calendar so I told him at this point we <br /> would have a special meeting. <br /> Mike: We have not dismissed having him. <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee,NIA • 02649 7 <br /> phone:508.539.9400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> mamy documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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