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t. Z, <br /> Catherine: So I rechecked with Jeff Cabral who I know because he works for one of the <br /> vendors that we use at the Transfer Station. He is a volunteer at Winchester, and he actually <br /> referred me to the ----? operator at the transfer station because he was really the wrong person <br /> to speak to about this because he didn't know enough about what's happened since they <br /> implemented the new ( inaudible) at which point I did call the operator to get someone who <br /> knew and sent out the summary of my conversation as to how the program is working in <br /> Winchester. And those were his comments, that the numbers are from his numbers that they <br /> presented to the Board of Selectmen that this is a voluntary pilot, that the people that volunteer <br /> are the ones that figured out that they would be saving money because they are not getting a lot <br /> of trash. So rather than paying the $190 permit fee for a one or two person household, they <br /> figured it was a lot less costly for them to pay the $2.00 per bag so they are the ones that <br /> volunteered to utilize the program. <br /> Wayne: That's what I thought, that's what we were looking for was an equity situation and <br /> that's what sounded so good to me. <br /> Catherine: But what's happened is because the town was not realizing any savings because <br /> the people that volunteered were the ones that were already recycling so you weren't seeing <br /> significant reduction in trash. So the program overall was costing the town an additional <br /> $30,000 to operate. <br /> Tom O'Hara: But that's what I'm going at, I mean I wish we had the opportunity to speak to him <br /> because I thought that's what we were actually trying to do with this dual program, was to give <br /> the opportunity to someone who always goes in with that one day in a 3-bag to recycle, and give <br /> them that option not to buy that$110 sticker. <br /> Catherine: Even if it costs the Town of Mashpee more money in the end, which means it is <br /> going to cost everyone more money in the end? <br /> Wayne: And I don't know that. All I know is that we were talking about it, and those were the <br /> people we were trying to satisfy because I understand Kalliope's point and I thought he was <br /> really coming tonight. <br /> Joyce Mason: I will take the heat for that. I couldn't see bringing someone down from <br /> Winchester when we had information to prove that it was costing the town more money. And <br /> the other thing we have to take into account, the pilot program. We don't have the room to do a <br /> pilot program. That is going to take some reconfiguring of the transfer station. So l just don't <br /> see, the program that is losing money in a community like Winchester, I don't see the purpose <br /> If we are going to do a pay-as-you-throw program, that's what we need to look at. We are <br /> dancing around that issue. And I think we have found a couple of ways to reduce our tonnage <br /> and save money, but at the end of the day, folks, the real thing here is how do you get folies to <br /> recycle and reduce trash? It's by charging them per bag because that is the only way, and <br /> know, you don't like you to hearing it, but that is the reality of it all. <br /> Wayne: That's your reality. <br /> (Garbled Conversation.) <br /> Joyce Mason: I think we are dancing around the issue of Pay As You Throw (PAYT) because <br /> no one wants to talk about it. But the reality is that the PAYT program saves you money. And <br /> so I don't think you should just be dismissing it. Folks are not willing to talk about that issue and <br /> I think it needs to be discussed. <br /> Mike: I don't think we are dismissing it, I think it is one of the options that we are talking about. <br /> Wayne: I'm not saying it is not an available option, I'm saying that we are looking for <br /> alternatives here. We are trying to discuss all the options so that when it comes to talking to the <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee, MA • 02649 8 <br /> phone: 508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> m:lmy documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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