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h <br /> F <br /> residents, we need come up with an intelligent proposal and say this is why, and they have an <br /> opportunity to vote on it and they have been educated. <br /> Mike: That's what we're doing. <br /> Wayne: Now this is why I brought up the pilot program. Now you, as Town Manager, are <br /> quoted in the newspaper as saying it would be too costly a system, and Catherine backed you <br /> up on it saying it would be too costly and difficult to regulate usage. Now if I may ... <br /> Joyce: We're charged with making sure that we can pay (inaudible) that's why my <br /> comments...(inaudible) <br /> Wayne:l am going strictly on your comments. And what I found when taking a picture of the <br /> dump and then I took a picture again and put lines in it. I just got really upset that the pilot <br /> program is being dismissed and that's not what I'm hearing from the record. Now what I've <br /> come up with, and I don't know how correct I am on this, but I think I'm pretty good. And if you <br /> look at this diagram you've got the green and orange in it... <br /> Joyce: Unfortunately the rest of the committee hasn't been given this information. And if you're <br /> going to present information you should present it to the entire committee. <br /> Wayne: I agree with you. But you know, when it was dismissed as it did, I'm not happy, And <br /> anyway, this comes down to a cost of zero dollars to implement it. <br /> John Cahalane: I haven't seen it either. Let's get it to the entire committee. <br /> Wayne: Actually it was on the agenda. Actually, number 3. You weren't here, John, for that <br /> meeting. <br /> John: No, I'm talking about tonight's agenda. <br /> Wayne: I'm talking about tonight's agenda. It says Review #3, Review existing proposals in the <br /> recycling. We talked about this at the last meeting. <br /> Tom O'Hara: We had talked about this dual program at the last meeting. It is there. <br /> Mike: We have not dismissed, nobody has dismissed talking about the dual program. What <br /> Catherine was asked to do was get information about the program, which is what she did. And <br /> the information she got she presented back to the Board. She explained from their perspective <br /> how it was working. <br /> Catherine: Jeff Cabral is not the correct person to bring down, number one. He is a volunteer, <br /> he admitted when I spoke to him he does not know enough about the program. <br /> Wayne: He is a member of Winchester... <br /> Mike: If we're going to bring someone down, I would highly recommend we bring the direct <br /> officials that are involved, and bringing that person down we have not dismissed. But Catherine <br /> brought information to the Board or the Committee as to her summary which I believe is <br /> accurate relative to what they're saying this program consists of in that it is costing the town <br /> money. We can still have this person down and have that conversation but I thought it would be <br /> better for the committee here in October for DPW to DPW to understand each other's language <br /> and then you guys can decide. If you still want to have someone come down from a program <br /> like that that's up to you. <br /> Voice?: How about opening it up for discussion for a dual system, for us, the members of this <br /> committee? <br /> Static on the Tape - ineligible <br /> Voice?: I thought we were going to explore any alternatives, that's what I thought. We may not <br /> have been able to use all of the aspects of the Winchester program but maybe there some that <br /> we could have implemented here at a minimal cost, or no cost whatever and it may have <br /> worked, so it's a lost opportunity as I see it. <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee, MA • 02649 9 <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> m:1my documentskWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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