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administration costs, your recycling costs, your disposal costs and then I could bore you for <br /> days on it, but there is a recycling cost. Every recycling attendant sitting there in his car, that's a <br /> cost. The electricity for those compacters, that's a cost that needs to be charged to recycling. <br /> All that needs to be broken down, explained to the people say listen, if you pay us here in this <br /> building, this is what it's going to cost. But if you throw your stuff here this is what it's going to <br /> cost you. At the time the recycling I had at Barnstable, I was getting paid. I was getting paid to <br /> haul the recycling away. They hauled away for free and they paid me $25 a ton for mixed <br /> paper. And the plastic and the glass was all taken away for free. I explained to people, I'd say <br /> "Listen, this isn't costing you nothing. All it's costing you is the labor up there and the electricity <br /> to run those machines. Down here it's costing you $67 a ton plus cost of the machines, and the <br /> same manpower and everything else. I think we did a pilot program. We did 200 people. We <br /> got a grant from DEP they said all the record keeping, the breakdown the reporting and <br /> everything else. We did it for a year. I had a hard time getting 200 volunteers to do it. I stood <br /> out in the rain every July 1$i saying "You want to do this?" I had people saying "Oh yeah, that's <br /> great". I had more people saying listen I don't want to deal with it. I'll fill up one of those bags <br /> with diapers." So we finally got the 200 people. The first year it was a different color sticker,a <br /> bright fluorescent yellow that stood out and we had the PAYT bags. The best thing that I had <br /> that Mashpee doesn't have is I had the manpower at the transfer station. We had contractors <br /> down there and we also had guys at the gate that came out of the gate and interacted with the <br /> public and if one of the guys wasn't paying attention the guy came right over and said "Hey this <br /> PAYT guy is over at contractor#2 . This is what you gotta do". Everybody in the state that <br /> started PAYT said the same thing: I wish I had known the up front cost of enforcement . That's <br /> the first thing we need to think about is the upfront cost of enforcement because you need <br /> someone to stand there because that person is going to take that PAYT bag and say "My sticker <br /> got me in the door, I can throw away..." They will say "Hey, I don't want to do this program. " <br /> They gave a 10 page handout, this is the rules and regulations. Also people were coming in <br /> dumping their bag out and putting it back in the car so they can reuse it. Listen, I am all for <br /> recycling and I hope I don't come across as negative. But this is the kind of stuff that I ran into <br /> on a pilot program with only 200 people out of over 5000 stickers sold. And my guys were really <br /> good but man they took abuse from these people. If you are going to do it, and if this is going to <br /> be the recommendation, then this is what the Selectmen and the people are going to want to <br /> know. <br /> John Cahalane: What was the determination of the pilot? <br /> Glenn: It was a success for the people who wanted it. Over 70% of the people were a one <br /> person or a two person in a household and when we had the meeting afterwards, and it was <br /> very surprising, I don't know if you were there at that meeting, Rick, but slot of people were <br /> going, "Well if it's going to cost my daughter who has three little ones, $200, $300, $400, 1 don't <br /> want it. I'll pay the $1.20 and keep it the way it is." So that's what they ended up doing. We put <br /> all this information out there, advertised it and I did a survey, the guys at the gate the girls in the <br /> sticker office, and the question was, "Do you want PAYT. Do you want to increase the stickers <br /> if we go to 7 days a week and asked them questions. When I got a 70% return on the survey <br /> which was damn good, it was very rewarding because we changed a lot of the policies at the <br /> transfer station at what the people wanted. And once we made it a lot easier, a lot of our <br /> numbers went up. <br /> Catherine: How much is the sticker in Barnstable? <br /> Rick: A couple of things— It's been hard to get a word in edgewise here, but I was a Town <br /> Counselor at the time of pilot program and I am not sure I would characterize it the same way <br /> 16 Great Neck Road Noris • Mashpee, MA - 02649 1 L <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> m:1my documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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