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A" K. <br /> Glenn does but I will send you all a copy of the results of that report so you can read it for <br /> yourself. It was almost universally positively accepted as a matter of fact. But as Catherine <br /> points out, it was a pilot program. Every single person who participated was self selecting. <br /> Obviously you are not going to get the same kind of results from a pilot program as you would <br /> get from a town wide program. We spent a lot of time talking about whether we wanted a visit <br /> from a gentleman who's got a pilot program in Winchester. May I suggest that we invite Paul <br /> Tilton here. Here we have a working PAYT program in a neighboring community they've had <br /> two years of success. If you are really interested and I'm not sure all of us are, but if you're <br /> really interested in knowing about PAYT why don't we invite people here who have working <br /> successful programs. So in addition to inviting the gentleman from Winchester, let us also invite <br /> Paul Tilton here so we can honestly and accurately hear what's really happening. I mean, we <br /> hear so much misinformation and fear tactics about children who are not going to be able to <br /> dispose of their diapers because their parents are not going to be able to afford to dispose of <br /> them while I have to subsidize those extra children's diapers. I don't think that's very fair, quite <br /> frankly. <br /> Voice: So that's why that program might have worked. <br /> Rick: I would support that if, in fact, the people who were not recycling were subsidizing those <br /> of us who are because that's the problem. You see, right now if we were to entertain that kind <br /> of a program so we have two separate systems, those of us that are producing a bag or a half a <br /> bag of trash there are additional costs and that's what Catherine pointed out with a pilot <br /> program because you don't have everybody involved. People are self selecting the people who <br /> are wasteful and are producing as much trash as they can are going to continue disposing of <br /> their trash, the costs are going to be the same the town is still going to have to pay... <br /> John Cahalane: Don't we have two systems now? We do. Recycling costs nothing in our <br /> town. <br /> Rick: No but you're missing the point, John. Because if I don't want to recycle I'm paying <br /> ...because it's the same cost to dispose of one bag of trash or., <br /> John Cahalane: I as a consumer, I as a resident, am paying nothing to recycle. <br /> Rick: That doesn't have anything to do with PAYT. <br /> John: You're talking ...we have two systems going right now. If I want to recycle everything, I <br /> don't have to pay the town a cent. <br /> Rick: That's absolutely true. Yes you do. If you want to participate in the system and get rid <br /> of any trash you have to purchase a sticker, don't you? <br /> Wayne: He said he's not going to get rid of any trash, though. <br /> John: I'm saying we have two systems now. <br /> Rick: We don't have two systems now. We have one system that... <br /> John: I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying we do have two systems now. <br /> Catherine: I think you have to think of recycling as a component of that but I think to really look <br /> at a pilot, we need to separate the trash which you have. The regular flat rate trash rate going <br /> into this trailer you have the paid reserve trash going into that trailer you then have to segregate <br /> those costs because as a pilot why should they continue to pay... <br /> John: That isn't the point I was trying to bring out. What I was trying to bring out was that he <br /> was saying we're subsidizing. Well as it stands right now as a two system we are subsidizing <br /> because anyone who does mostly recycling except for the fact, and I wasn't thinking, you got to <br /> buy a sticker because no one does 100% recycling. <br /> Rick: Right, and for that sticker if I just want to get rid of just one bag of trash, I can do that but <br /> I'm paying the exact same amount as somebody who wants to go to that transfer station how <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee,MA • 02649 I2 <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> mAmy documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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