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1 <br /> many times a week they want to go and dispose of as many bags of trash they want, that is just <br /> not fair. I think that is no motivation to reduce your trash. <br /> Wayne: Mr. Chairman, 30 seconds, just 30 seconds. The only reason why I proposed a pilot <br /> program is because (1) we have so many people in town that want to have PAYT and we have <br /> an enormous amount of people that do not want PAYT. With that in mind, we as a committee <br /> want to educate our town. A pilot program would give the people that want PAYT go for it. <br /> They're going to pay a PAYT sticker and the people that don't want the PAYT are going to do <br /> what they are doing now but what we are doing is we are educating the people that don't have <br /> the PAYT as you go. Everybody I would say not everybody but the majority of people are going <br /> to be happy with that system. That's all I had to say, my 30 seconds are up. <br /> Mike: This committee was put together as a result of an effort that went fast after some thought. <br /> And the committee was put together, I believe, for the express purpose of trying to come up with <br /> some recommendations for the town to go forward. It's not a PAYT committee, it never was. <br /> PAYT is one of the options that you can't avoid because it's out there as part of the over all <br /> trash reduction in many places in the country. You have to be really ..I hate to use the word, but <br /> you can't forget, it's there. So I think what we've tried to do and I think we've actually made <br /> some progress is take a bunch of different thoughts and ideas and opinions and we've actually <br /> talked about initiating an organics program that should help a little bit in the reduction of trash. <br /> The numbers speak for themselves. We may never get to that point, but the bottom line is, at <br /> the end of the day there is an opportunity to dump something...what are you handing out there, <br /> Tom? <br /> Tom: This is the (garbled) when Rick brought it up this is...Kalliope and I used to have that <br /> question all the time on the subsidizing of the stickers. <br /> Mike: You shouldn't be handing out stuff that's not on the agenda. You know that. And the <br /> second thing about it is that we are looking at textiles which is another option. Neither one is <br /> probably going to give us a great end result. But it's an initiative, an opportunity to do <br /> something different and I don't have any problem with a pilot program as long as we look at it <br /> from a standpoint of costs. if it's going to cost the town money that needs to be put it on the <br /> table, too, so that the committee can say "It's a pilot program, it's going to cost the town money <br /> but we still think it's worthwhile doing." And that's a decision you guys have as a committee, <br /> right? <br /> Rick: And I'm thinking that if we could bring that on the table with the committee let's talk about <br /> that because I think I've shown, and Catherine is going to look it over and I think I've shown that <br /> it's gonna cost the town a very minimal amount of money. <br /> Mike: Well I think that's something to be looked at and again bring it back to the committee. <br /> Johnathan: Re; process. Just figuring out how we want to proceed. In my mind I have this <br /> vision of us acquiring information, informing ourselves on all the questions we have. And then <br /> as we get towards our last meeting I would imagine that people who want to make motions, who <br /> are of the opinion that they have something important that they want to put on the table and they <br /> want to have a vote for it we probably would end our last meeting with that exercise: motion, <br /> debate, and then recommendations from those motions. So my question is, how many more <br /> meetings do we have? When do we have to end? Do we have a term for this committee's life? <br /> Mike: Well I had kind of hoped we'd have something in the springtime that we could conclude <br /> in some agreement that we could present. And I think a lot more things have come to the table <br /> and as we've discussed it, we have some people who are strong on one side and others who <br /> are strong on the other side and then there are other things that keep coming in that we <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee,MA • 02649 13 <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • email:mis@ci, <br /> mamy documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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