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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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y' ff <br /> A 5. <br /> W <br /> y <br /> i <br /> ��:���e:, It, Ci'tz ! �.��r ��r�{trf• ''��:iEl�i <br /> 11aw sIO <br /> probably hadn't given much thought to, organics and textiles for example, and we do know that <br /> they make a difference. <br /> John Cahalane: Which are already taking place. Probably because of these meetings. <br /> Wayne: I would say we look at this pilot or a pilot, Winchester is one of maybe other pilots, and <br /> we put it on the table with all the information we can get, costs, results. <br /> Catherine: Can I just jump in for a minute. I don't think you're talking about a pilot Wayne. I <br /> think you're talking about a dual system. I think pilot is a misnomer as pilot is testing out the <br /> system and if it works then we're going to move forward with an implementation. You're talking <br /> about a dual system. <br /> Tom: You may be correct. But I'm just thinking that, you know ... <br /> Catherine: We'll have it on the agenda I say I don't think it's a pilot I think it's a dual <br /> system. <br /> Tom: We're talking PAYT but the fee hasn't been raised in three years. You just have an <br /> adjustment for what it costs to get rid of the trash. It went up $90. <br /> Joyce: But that's not the true cost to get rid of the trash. <br /> Tom O'Hara: The subsidy which I believe the town voted on 20% of the transfer station costs. <br /> The number you kept saying was 175 and Kalliope and I were talking back and forth about the <br /> subsidy. So I asked if I could have the numbers, what the exact subsidy was because I didn't <br /> know how to get it. So I went to the Town accountant and I got the number. For the year 2014 <br /> that subsidy number at the bottom of the page that I handed out was $115,182.56. <br /> Catherine: Can I jump in? You can't go by the revenue because the sticker sales aren't <br /> accurate because they start selling stickers in May. The money is coming in the prior FY year <br /> so it can't be applied. <br /> Tom: But the check written from the town, or the difference, was $115,000. <br /> Catherine: But there was money that probably came in prior to this. This is a FY budget but <br /> two of those months is from sticker sales for the next FY. <br /> Tom: But this is two years in a row now, no matter what this is 2013 and the difference was <br /> $121. It's a far cry from the 20% that the residents authorized from the town budget, the <br /> general fund. <br /> Catherine: I think this next year will be a good because we will no longer have the regional <br /> Tom: But that's two years in a row substantially less than $175, the subsidy from the General <br /> Fund. So even if there is an overlap there it should be tough. You know what I mean? So this <br /> great subsidy, and you know that the town uses the Transfer Station there is value for the <br /> Transfer Station for Christmas trees and lawns debris and all of those. So we have to keep it <br /> open. The actual General Fund is far less than the $175, so it's not what we thought but the <br /> general public has authorized the town to pay 20% of the operational budget from the transfer <br /> station. <br /> Joyce: No they haven't. They've authorized to offset, they didn't put a 20% figure, Tom, that's <br /> wrong, that's misleading. They've authorized to offset the operating budget of the transfer <br /> station using the ....from the tax payer. That's all that's authorized, not 20%. <br /> Tom: I think I have a copy of the Town Meeting and I think the wording was 20%. I'll have to <br /> pull it out and show it to you. <br /> Rick: So okay I just want to know are we going to be able to invite Paul Tilton. <br /> Catherine: I have that on my list. I will take care of that. <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee,MA • 02649 14 <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> m:1my documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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