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ipcc <br /> s <br /> 1€e fi`(tll <br /> Mike: As a committee that should be looking at everything, I that's an option we have to <br /> consider just like any other program, Let me answer your question about endgame. It's going <br /> to depend at some point where we are hopefully going to get to a point where we say we've <br /> exhausted this conversation. We are at a point now where we should move in some direction <br /> and this is the collective decision the Board wants to make and recommend. I don't know, we're <br /> not there yet. <br /> Tom: I was just concerned because I thought I had heard that there was a time limit on our <br /> term. <br /> Mike: There was an optimistic (garbled?). We have a current situation that is manageable now <br /> and (garbled?) we don't seem to have a lot of people that are unhappy now so there is no rush <br /> to judgment. <br /> Glenn: Catherine, I got a question. When I was on the Board of Health we had a lot of <br /> problems with the contractor. How is the wording on the contract? Is there a new contract <br /> coming up? The point I am trying to get to is if we are going to do PAYT, how will that impact <br /> the contract that we have with the contractor now? <br /> Catherine: it doesn't change whether it's a dual system, or you have a PAYT system, we would <br /> have to sit down with the contractor. <br /> Glenn: That's one of the points I was trying to make was that one of my recommendations <br /> would be, like Rick was saying, if we were going to do it now was that we need to look at any <br /> kind of financial impact. Like a lot of people told me, they weren't ready for the extra manpower, <br /> and the extra cost. After a year or two, a lot of people were saying they didn't need it. <br /> Catherine: Also they reduced their number of trips because you reduced their waste, they <br /> reduced their hours because they weren't collecting as much waste. So there are a lot of cost <br /> changes involved. <br /> Mike: Let's go on, if we can. We need to talk about education and how we are going to do it, <br /> and handouts and all that stuff, and how we are going to do it, where we are going to do it, the <br /> different ways to do it and a bunch of stuff like that. So that has to be agreed to or flushed out <br /> at some point. We're not going to do it tonight. <br /> Tom: I thought we already said that. <br /> John Cahalane: I think that is very important that is something we can do immediately. <br /> Mike: That is going to be a very high priority item. <br /> Joyce: Well I don't think you want to miss the opportunity of doing something at Town Meeting. <br /> Catherine; We'll have something at Town Meeting. <br /> Tom: I know it's a pain in the neck, but could somebody from the clerk's office or the sticker <br /> office walk out and place the sticker on the car. I know that used to be done but it controls <br /> where that sticker goes. And I often wonder if it doesn't go somewhere else. And if someone <br /> could hand them the handout. <br /> Catherine: That's a different department. That would be the Selectmen's choice. <br /> Glenn: That's a good idea. That's a really bad idea. We used to do that at Barnstable. We <br /> used too supply them with the scraper, people would get their ...cut, now they want to sue the <br /> town for supplying a faulty scraper, and then you got the nice trim around the inside of the <br /> windows now, and a guy gets really aggressive and scrapes that off and goes "That's my nice <br /> BMW or my Chevy or whatever it is, do we want their liability? What we end up doing in <br /> Barnstable was we don't do their stickers anymore because we had a number of complaints <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee,MA • 02649 15 <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • email:mis@cLmashpee.ma_us <br /> m:1my documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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