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they went downtown, the guy admitted he screwed up, he ended up being a little aggressive, we <br /> ended up buying the guy a new windshield for the person. <br /> Tom Murphy: We'll have something after Town Meeting. I think the impetus here is recycling <br /> and that's one way to reduce the trash. To that end we've been discussing this for several <br /> months and it's all been educational. Have we concluded as to what the ultimate options are <br /> for us to look at? From my viewpoint we don't know many communities have options to deal <br /> with and I think we are steering from what Joyce said and what I've seen in the town, PAYT is <br /> only one option. Our existing system is one system. <br /> Catherine: flat permit. <br /> Joyce: Curbside would be an option and the other option that I put before and it didn't go <br /> anywhere is a fully funded enterprise operation by the user and if they don't want to do PAYT <br /> they are going to pay $200-some odd dollars for that sticker. <br /> Tom Murphy: And that's what I'm getting at, Joyce. We should have a clear choice of options <br /> of the systems the BOS very clearly got handed back to them when they decided to vote for <br /> PAYT and they this is what's going to be going on at the town. Now we are talking about a dual <br /> system which is kind of interesting. We have the existing system which is just going to cost <br /> more money to go forward which I have a tendency to think in terms of what's happening <br /> without looking at all the numbers as you are more tuned into. But in order to let the people <br /> know what we are discussing we have to come down to the ultimate options that the Town of <br /> Mashpee is capable of implementing and it all seems to me there is the possibility of curbside <br /> but again I am looking at the big picture. We have a transfer station that is successful and used <br /> by virtually all of the townspeople can voluntarily go out and hire somebody for curbside which is <br /> where I would let it be inclined to let it stay. Because we need to run the transfer station. The <br /> transfer station is an asset to the town. So, come up with three options, or two options, the <br /> current system, the PAYT system, a dual system, and all three of those to keep the transfer <br /> station open, then go back into the numbers what's it gonna cost and be able to demonstrate to <br /> the town, this is what it's going to cost, this is what it's gonna to do, and who is going to benefit, <br /> and give the town options. Three choices as to what they want to do, in terms of continuing to <br /> operate the transfer station if it's only three options and I don't know if there are any more but I <br /> haven't heard any, and then let the townspeople begin to discuss it. Then they'll be interested <br /> in the educational program. People will want to know more about how what this is going to do in <br /> the long run. Again, broadly speaking I can see the existing system is going to be, okay you <br /> want to bring trash to the building, by our projections with the landfill systems going the way <br /> they are going, to do that you are going to be paying $300 a year or more for a sticker. And <br /> see if people begin to appraise the idea that it's not going to get less expensive, it's going to get <br /> more expensive far faster than expected than any system is going to be a lot easier to sell and <br /> to get people interested in what's going on. Other than that this very small incremental increase <br /> in a sticker, people are gonna go ... <br /> Tom O'Hara: Can we get something graphic to look at? You're doing a good job, you're being <br /> creative. I think you are making every effort to keep it the way it is and make it manageable. <br /> John Cahalane: We have a situation where we are not a town that has to cut, cut, cut. We are <br /> in very good financial shape right now. We're talking like the transfer station, if we don't cut it <br /> back, we're gonna go bankrupt. We're not even close to that. We haven't even touched the <br /> surface when it gets to that. <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee,MA • 02649 16 <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> m:Vny documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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