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r <br /> ri <br /> Tom O'Hara. With the electricity going up so high maybe when they sell it back off to the grid, <br /> maybe we should be getting more money. <br /> Rick: I was just going to say that with respect to what we should be recommending or not <br /> recommending, everything is on the table, quite frankly. In other words we are looking at a <br /> variety of different options we've heard some mention certainly it is going to require more <br /> education, certainly it's going to require programs like providing compost opportunities. But if <br /> you look at our goals we're charged with trying to make recommendations to try to reduce trash, <br /> increase recycling and provide equity. Those are our primary goals. So as we consider what <br /> our options are and what we should recommend to the Selectmen, first of all we should not for a <br /> moment consider the politics of this. That's not our job, to consider what the public would like or <br /> would not like. <br /> John Cahalane: Whoa. I disagree with that. You're saying the he[[with the residents. <br /> Rick: Our job is to provide them with information. <br /> John: I don't believe you're saying who cares about the residents? <br /> Rick: Are you putting your finger in the air and saying how is the wind blowing? <br /> John: I'm saying 1 care about my own constituents. <br /> Rick: But don't you feel you have an obligation if you have information... <br /> John: I have an obligation to do what they like me to do. <br /> Rick: I don't have that obligation. I am an elected official that was brought on this committee to <br /> provide education and information. Now to put my finger to the wind and listen to what people <br /> think... <br /> Tom O'Hara: Listening to what your residents think, how is that putting your finger in the wind? <br /> Rick: I don't have an obligation to listen to my residents except to the degree that they can help <br /> me to be educated about these issues. If somebody has misinformation and that's their opinion, <br /> am I supposed to bring that to the table and say "Well that's their opinion and I've got to accept <br /> it if it's wrong? <br /> John: I've been bringing things to this table from residents and I don't think that they're wrong. <br /> Rick: And that's your opinion and you're entitled to your opinion. <br /> John: I think that everybody at this table ought to hear it because they can have their ideas, <br /> too. <br /> Rick: I say we should hear it. But my job at the end of the day is not simply to put my finger in <br /> the air and do what people want me to do. <br /> John: I think people are tired of politics. <br /> Rick: I agree with you. And that's why this shouldn't be driven by politics. And politics is letting <br /> yourself be driven by the most popular opinion, not by what's right. We should do what's right <br /> and not what's popular. <br /> Tom O'Hara: That's what's called a sense of community, when a community gets together and <br /> they work together to control things as a whole. Not individually, not selective groups whether <br /> they be one baggers or five baggers. That's a sense of community and that's what you're <br /> looking at. The sense of the community right now, I believe because of the way the numbers of <br /> the transfer station, of the way it's being run, it's going to stay the way it is, I really do. And I <br /> think you are working towards keeping it that way. I don't know what the rush is to change, I <br /> really don't. I know that things go up in cost. The cost of living, the cost of doing business, it <br /> just goes up, it's the way of life unfortunately. And right now you've done a great job, you really <br /> have. <br /> 36 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee,MA • 02649 17 <br /> phone:508.539.9400 • fax:508.539,0954 • <br /> mAmy documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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