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Johnathan: So in recycling a tuna can you are supposed to take the paper off and clean it out. <br /> Catherine: You don't need to take the paper off. <br /> Wayne: That was years ago. <br /> Catherine: As Richard said, we are actually required, the signs were there, they were faded so <br /> that's the new sign we put up. We are required by DEP to place and that is the language that <br /> we have to use because those are all the waste ban materials whether we accepted them at the <br /> transfer station or not. And you know what, we do actually, people do sneak them in there in <br /> black plastic bags. But we are required by DEP as part of our permit to operate to list every one <br /> of those materials. The list has grown over the years since 1990. <br /> Glenn: That sign used to be inside the building years ago. The stuff on that sign is for trash it <br /> does not say the transfer station. Just like Catherine said, because I used to work at the <br /> Barnstable transfer station, and it is the law. Just like Catherine said, it is part of the operating <br /> permit and you have to have that posted at the entrance and also where the waste is being <br /> disposed of. <br /> Wayne: I was just bringing up the point that it was asked of me, I don't understand the sign. <br /> Not me. <br /> Glenn: I know exactly what you are saying because I have more complaints , same thing. <br /> People come in screaming want to know why they can't recycle anymore. No, that's not it. <br /> Johnathan: We should have a sign next to it saying, "However... <br /> Wayne: people don't stop for stop signs. They aren't going to stop for"However'. <br /> Glenn: Just like you were saying, for stop signs, we should have a sign saying "Stop means no <br /> motion". <br /> John Cahalane: We should have a person standing there, stop every car and read everything. <br /> Mike : You are not allowed to modify the sign that is required by the state. Another sign saying <br /> "these are recyclable materials" that might make it clearer, that's all. <br /> Wayne: You asked me to tell you what the people are asking me that's what I am doing. <br /> Catherine: What it says is "legally disposed of and when you say "disposed" of that usually <br /> refers to trash. <br /> Johnathan; It is confusing when you enter the transfer station, for the people who do read it, it <br /> would be confusing because it would think it was not allowed anywhere in that area. <br /> Wayne: I'm just saying what I've been asked, I just said I'd bring it up, and I did. <br /> Rick: Just a few quick comments. First of all, signage is very important. One of the things we <br /> found in Barnstable and other owns I've researched, getting people to understand the issues is <br /> a real challenge and signage is one of those opportunities. And there have been studies done <br /> about what type of signs and coloration of signs, the size of the font. I wouldn't disagree that <br /> there might be some confusion at signage. Obviously we are limited in terms of what we have <br /> to provide for signage but we could supplement that with other kinds of creative things to attract <br /> people's attention. Sometimes communities will have signage on several telephone poles <br /> leading up to facilities that will catch people's eyes. You have to remind people more than one <br /> time. Signs are something that we need to be on-going, we can always do better with our <br /> signage. But I also want to get back to the good idea of providing composting opportunities for <br /> our residents. I wouldn't get too excited yet because until we have a little more success how to <br /> motivate people to take that garbage out of their trash they are still not going to do it unless they <br /> are predisposed to doing it. I do it at my house. Right now if you are not the kind of person who <br /> removes food scraps, having this voluntary program, I wouldn't expect a lot. There are some <br /> people who are taking advantage of the opportunity. Again, what's the motivation people have <br /> for doing that? Typically it is going to be "Can I save some money if I take those table scraps <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee, MA • 02649 4 <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> m:Amy documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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