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Sherman stated that the local pantries took turns picking up the donated food items and indicated that they <br /> included Linda Carroll, Christ the King Parish and Ma's Pantry. <br /> Ms. Vaughn described a 9"' grade sponsored coat drive that benefitted a family shelter in Falmouth, <br /> adding that there were no local organizations accepting coats. Selectman Sherman suggested that there <br /> were local women's shelters who could benefit from a coat drive and who could pick up the donated <br /> items. It was additionally suggested that Gosnold accepted men's suits and jackets to assist with men's <br /> job placements. Selectman Sherman also suggested a mitten, hat, scarf drive and stated that she would <br /> follow up with the Chamber of Commerce about their interest. <br /> Ms. Vaughn suggested the possibility of hosting a hot chocolate stand at the Mashpee Christmas Parade, <br /> Selectman Sherman stated that the theme of this years parade was "A Green Christmas." Town Hall may <br /> have their own float and that businesses' window displays would reflect the theme, Selectman Sherman <br /> stated that she had a friend who could create candy wrappers with "NPFIT' on the wrapper. Ms. Farren <br /> responded that she could check with Ms. Zuber for permission to use the ADL logo. It was noted that a <br /> special message could be included inside of the wrapper. Other ideas for fundraisers were also discussed, <br /> such as selling a tote bag. <br /> OPEN DISCUSSION <br /> Student Council-Community Service Project <br /> Ms. Vaughn stated that she was serving as the advisor to Student Council, who was seeking a community <br /> service project. Ideas discussed included, shoveling driveways for the elderly, fundraising events or <br /> working at a soup kitchen. Selectman Sherman reported that the Senior Center would be hosting a <br /> Thanksgiving dinner 12-3, sponsored by Roche Brothers and Rockland Trust. Selectman Sherman <br /> suggested the possibility of 10-15 students decorating the tables and helping with serving. <br /> Senior Projects <br /> Ms. Vaughn reported that Celeste Reynolds was hosting a website with ideas for senior projects. <br /> NEXT MEPTING <br /> The next meeting of the Affirmative Action Committee will be October 25 at 5:00 p.m. <br /> MEETING ADJOURNMENT <br /> Ms. Wray made a motion to close the meeting. Ms.Brown seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Jelfifer M. C 1516rd <br /> Board Secretary <br /> 2 <br />