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NEW BUSINESS <br /> Next Step <br /> Ms. Egloff recommended review of the Committee's mission and identifying ways to accomplish the <br /> mission through the promotion of affordable housing. One recommendation had been to address the <br /> Mashpee community through relevant groups to explain the need and the state requirement for the 10% <br /> affordable housing rate, The item will be added to the next agenda. Committee members will consider <br /> ideas as to how to accomplish the goal. Mr. Johnson recommended a mailing of'the Affordable <br /> Housing brochure. Ms, Egloff recommended placing the brochure on the Town's website. There was <br /> discussion about printing the brochures and Selectman Richardson recommended following up with <br /> the Mashpee Environmental Coalition for additional information, Other printing locations were <br /> discussed such as Cape Tech .and the high school and discussing it with the Town Manager. Ms. <br /> Egloff will email the most recent version of the brochure and requested that any final comments be <br /> sent to her. <br /> Chairman Abbott stated that he invited Mashpee Commons to attend a meeting to provide an update on <br /> their affordable housing plans and schedule, but they preferred not to attend. The Chair noted that the <br /> master plan had been removed from the website. Changes to their plan were expected and it was <br /> suggested that Mashpee Commons may soon be attending a Planning Board meeting. Selectman <br /> Richardson recommended contacting Mr. Storrs to see if the Chair could stop in for a visit. It was <br /> recommended that Chairman Abbott contact Mr. Fudala in order to receive a copy of the Planning <br /> Board agenda. The Chair pointed out that 96 affordable housing units were anticipated from Mashpee <br /> Commons' development plans and changes to the plan would impact Mashpee's Housing Plan. <br /> There was discussion about the benefits of cottage housing and the possibility of placing it at Old <br /> Barnstable Road. Mr. Isbitz recommended having an architect or builder with experience in <br /> developing cottage housing provide a presentation in a joint meeting with the Planning Board, Mr. <br /> Isbitz will coordinate a meeting. Ms, Egloff recommended a regional networking event at the Cape <br /> Cod Commission with speakers to address Affordable Housing Committees Capewide. The event <br /> would be an opportunity to share best practices.and Cape Cod oriented affordable housing building <br /> styles. The Chair will contact Paul Ruchinskas for ideas. <br /> Year's Schedule <br /> It was agreed that the Committee wished to continue meeting on the first.Tuesday of the month at 6.34 <br /> p.m. Due to the New Year holiday, the January meeting will take place during the second week of the <br /> month. <br /> MEETING ADJOURNMENT <br /> The next meeting will be January 8 at 6:34 p.m. <br /> Ms. Egloff made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:1.2 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Jenna' r M. Cliffb <br /> BoarSecretary <br /> 2 <br />