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5� <br /> M <br /> Rent Dalin errcies: Mrs. Botsford reported that all residents have paid in full with the exception of a <br /> small balance due for one Breezy Acres Resident. We also currently have 100% occupied at Breezy <br /> Acres and Asher's Path. We have one vacancy at Homeyer Village which I expect t have rented by the <br /> end of May. <br /> motion was made by Mr. Shackett and seconded by Ms. Allen to accept the treasurer's <br /> report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. <br /> Mrs. Botsford provided members with her written report for April and added the following report: <br /> 0 The Breezy Acres Sewer Extension revised bid schedule was shared with members. After <br /> meetings, email reviews,. and a phone conference, everything seems to be on track. <br /> s Mrs. Botsford provided the members with the draft of the letter the attorney is getting ready t <br /> send to the Board of Appeals to make the re uired changes to the Compreheen.sive Permit for the <br /> Breezy Acres Expansion/Great Cove Community. HAC is still waiting for a few people to review <br /> before it gets submitted. <br /> 0 Mrs. Botsford provided the members with suggested written testimony from the Mashpee <br /> Housing Authority with regards to the Governor's Commission on Public Housing Sustainability <br /> and Reform. It was decided that the testimony was well-representative of hoer we stood and <br /> what we felt and a motion was made by Mr. Laporte And seconded by Mr. Sha i ett to <br /> have the Chair and Executive Director sign and submit the written testimony to the <br /> Commission, The motion was adopted. <br /> OLDBUSINESS: NONE <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Land Lease review <br /> japproval for Breezy Acres Expansion: Mrs. Botsford reported that she did have <br /> Attorney Kevin Kirrane review the proposed lease. She met with hire yesterday and he had several <br /> suggested changes. Ms. Botsford would like to incorporate those suggested changes and present the <br /> lease document to the board at the next meeting. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. <br /> Laporte and seconded by Mr. Shaclett to incorporate into the lease document the suggested <br /> changes by the attorney and review at the next meeting. The motion was adopted. <br /> n ger ant Play ontra:t_:_Mrs- Botsford-provided the members with a copy of the Management <br /> Agreement with just a.fever suggested changes. The Management Plan itself is not yet available. After a <br /> brief discussion a motion was made by Ids. Allen and seconded by Mr. shad ett to approve the <br /> Management Agreement with the changes,and any other changes that the Executive <br /> Director may feel will be necessary to protect/benefit the housing authority. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> ReviewE ecute proposed Contract for Financial Assistance from DHCD with a grant of$342,582 to assist <br /> the MHA in constructing-a connection between its 6 units of family housing at Breezy Acres and the <br /> nearby wastewater tratmentplan at Mashpee High School: The following resolution was introduced by <br /> Richard Halpern, read in full and considered: <br /> RES LLMON AUTHORIZING CONTRACT FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR STATE-AIDED CAPITAL <br /> IMPROVEMENT WORK PLAN OR DEVELOPMENT No. 1004 FOR HORSING PROGRAM 705-1 <br /> Page 2 of <br />