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i <br /> authority. A motion was made by Mr, Shackett and seconded by Ms, Allen to write off <br /> $11,375-50 for fiscal year end 2012. The motion carried. <br /> Income Limits Adoption: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the new DHCD income limits for admission and Fair <br /> Market Rents for Continued occupancy issued on August 9, 2012 and requested acceptance of same. <br /> notion was made by Ms, Alien and seconded by Mr. Laporte to adopt the updated DD <br /> Income Limits for Admission and FMR for continued Occupancy, The motion carried. <br /> CPC -- reguest for funding: Mrs. Botsford stated that she received a news release 'indicating that <br /> applications were being accepted for Community Preservation Funds and inquired as to whether or not <br /> the board granted to apply for more funding for anything. After a discussion about potential funding <br /> opportunities and the fact the Mrs. Botsford has a lot going on right now, it was decided to delay any <br /> future requests for funding through the CPC. <br /> Town Land: Mrs. Botsford had distributed a recent handout she'd received from the town n Frith regards t <br /> available land for potential affordable housing development. She hasn't had a whole lot of time to review <br /> each parcel and suggested tabling this item to net meeting, after everyone Inas had a chance to look it <br /> over. So decided. <br /> Executive„Session for Contract Negation purposed: The chairperson entertained a motion by Francis <br /> Laporte and seconded by Jill Allen to go into Executive Session for the purpose of conducting <br /> contract negations with Ms. Botsford with regards to a contract addendum, The motion <br /> carried and a Doll call vote was taken: Mr. Laporte: Yes; Mr. Shac tt: Yes; Ms. Allen: lies,, <br /> Mr. Halpern: Yes. It was announced that the board would be returning to regular session <br /> once executive session was complete. Executive session began at approximately :10 PM. <br /> At approximately ately :20 PM the regular session resumes. <br /> MMU ICATIONS ORRE P NDE l F: Mrs. Botsford provided a copy of a letter dated August 29, <br /> 2012 from DHD in response to her letter in July with regards to the Massachusetts Rental vouchers at <br /> Mashpee Village. <br /> NEXT EE Il l : Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 6:00 PIS unless changed beforehand. <br /> MEETING ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Ms, Allen to <br /> adjourn. The notion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 P.M. <br /> Respectfully s itted, <br /> L it otsfbrd, P. . ., GAP <br /> Secretary <br /> Executive Director <br /> Page 4 of <br />