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4/28/2015 MASHPEE CARES Minutes
4/28/2015 MASHPEE CARES Minutes
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Joan Peters-Gilmartin spoke about a Sandwich Group CUDFRE, Communities United for a Drug Free <br /> Environment, the goal of CUDFRE is to empower and support local Project Purple school groups. They <br /> are examining a document from 1998 entitled "Standards of Substance Abuse, approved on April 28, <br /> 1998 by the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court in collaboration with the Massachusetts Trial Court. <br /> This group is looking at the problem as multifaceted, when we look at treatment there needs to be <br /> insurance coverage, access to care. They feel that the court system can take non violent offenders <br /> instead of jail put into treatment. Non violent offenders should be treated differently. They would like <br /> to do a public service campaign, she suggested that Project Purple kids can plant purple flags in <br /> Mashpee to bring awareness to the devastating effects of Substance Abuse, particularly opioid abuse. <br /> Joan stated that Cheryl Bartlett, new Executive director of Substance Abuse and Prevention and Public <br /> Health Initiative for Cape Cod has agreed to buy the flags and the Cape Cod Times has agreed to do a <br /> story. She suggests flags on the rotary the Friday before father's day,three rotaries, empower project <br /> purple students by planting the flags. Chris Santos suggested she attend the school committee meeting <br /> on May 6 to present this proposal, Mike R. said he would contact Mashpee N and asked Gail Wilson to <br /> let the Barnstable County Council know what we were doing, maybe be an example for the other towns. <br /> Joan Peters-Gilmartin also suggested the school have community projects, maybe make it a <br /> competition, and have a sign up the first week of school. Mr. GiiMartin asked if every town on the Cape <br /> could do something, how we reach every town. Joan also mentioned Portsmouth Rhode Island had a <br /> Project Purple week to encourage people of all ages to stand up against substance abuse and make good <br /> decisions in the coming year. <br /> Mike Richardson brought up that summer is a concerning time for kids, unstrutured time. What could <br /> the town do to create activities for kids. Gail Wilson brought up educating parents about what to look. <br /> for. Kathy Mahoney spoke about the library summer reading program. <br /> Bob Jensen from Calmer Choice spoke about the importance of mindfulness and this is being taught in <br /> the schools.The research on mindfulness has been shown to lower anxiety. He discussed "synaptic <br /> pruning." He feels possibly there can be a discussion similar to the eggs in the frying pan campaign, "this <br /> is your brain on drugs" about the detrimental effects on the brain, especially for growing children and <br /> teens. <br /> The discussion focused on the eventual need for a public policy change. <br /> Mike Richardson summarized the next steps:Project purple flag project; School project and Calmer <br /> Choice to continue in schools. <br /> NEXT MEETING:The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 5:00 pm, Mashpee Town Hall <br /> ADJOURNMENTAs there was no further business,Joyce Mason made a motion that the meeting be <br /> adjourned. Chris Santos seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. The meeting <br /> was adjourned at 6:26 pm. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Gail Wilson, Clerk <br />
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