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II ASHIDEE AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMMITTEE II INTUES <br /> May 9, 2006 <br /> PRESENT:T: Zella Eli en# erry, Marty Henry, Rear. Cynthia Green, Alice Lopes, <br /> John Pane, and Charlotte Carron <br /> ABSENT: Julius Rosales <br /> LIAS N: Darin Weeks, Cape Cod <br /> GUESTS: Deborah Battles, Stu Peoples, Steve Giatrelis and Jay Miller Principal of <br /> Mashpee Woods with Attorney Richard Terry, Ms. IIMurphy, Dan <br /> Lebrequer Kathy Kyrs and Steve kyr . <br /> Approval f Minutes...John Paone motioned for April minutes to be approved with <br /> corrections. Cynthia seconded. All were in favor. <br /> AD INSTRATI E <br /> Action Item: Zella Eli enberry will write letter to Selectmen with Grote on Mashpee Woods <br /> with amendments tO be delivered by Friday. <br /> Action Item Tonight's Community Preservation Act Committee meeting was discussed. <br /> Action Item: Affordable Housing Committee's open seats discussed <br /> Action Item: Charlotte and Zella will work on Technical Assistance Program Grant. <br /> MAS EE WOODS PROJECT <br /> • Steve Giatrelis addressed the committee regarding last month's zero to six vote against <br /> the Mashpee Woods Project. He informed the committee of the people he meet with that <br /> gave recommendations to hien for developing this project and the considerations that <br /> have been made either originally or along the way including recommendations from this <br /> committee. A copy of the plans was distributed to all committee members. Some of the <br /> changes include an elevator which has been added instead of walk-ups and all units are <br /> to be two bedroom units with little difference from each other. All the units will be two <br /> bedrooms regardless of the mix and will be in all five units. A basic breakdown wn was <br /> provided. They will all also have the same set up and materials. It was felt by Alice Lopez <br /> that having only two bedrooms limits some families. The two bedroom decision was <br /> based on what was felt to be the need. No letter of approval from DHCD. Steve explained <br /> that six of the 24 rentals will be affordable rentals and 24 will be affordable ownership <br /> which will be sold within the guidelines of affordable ownership. There will 72 market <br /> value. They are only required to give 30 units but are giving the addition 18 units. Marty <br /> asked for clarification as to why all the rentals were considered affordable. Steve <br /> explained this was because housing is so scarce right now and any rentals were <br /> considered affordable. He feels the 18 units should be dully noted. A letter of support <br /> from the Town of Mashpee Chief of Police was provided. Alice provided that other <br /> developers have agreed to g beyond the required units every though it didn't add t <br />� g p <br /> 18 units because they were smaller developments. Also those developers have agreed to <br /> i go beyond the % and % median income and do more moderate houses for town <br /> employees. Steve said in the past they had agreed to let at least % of this project be <br /> exposed to the Mashpee residency and town employees. Zella added that the LIP states <br /> this committee has the right and opportunity to choose Mashpee preference and define it, <br /> which this committee will do. Zella 'inquired of the extra entrance Steve added. It was <br /> pointed out to-Iver on the smaller copy. It will be a complete road that leads to Route 130. <br />
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