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Board of Assessors Meeting Page 2 <br /> Assessors ' Regular Meeting Schedule ( continued) <br /> Chairman Porter announced that The Board will continue Its <br /> present Meeting Schedule the Second and Fourth Tuesday of <br /> the Month. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> M . Denise Sullivan . <br /> Both Assessing -DejRartment <br /> i wEmn :to. <br /> ee and <br /> Member of Finance Committee <br /> Chairman Porter stated that The Board recognizes this matter <br /> requires explanation. <br /> David Bailey informed for The Record that Mr, Robert <br /> Whritenour met with hien. The Board of Selectmen received opinion <br /> from Town Counsel that Ms . Sullivan should not be a Regular <br /> Employee and serving on the FinCom. She will receive a "very <br /> nice letter's from The Selectmen contrary to newspaper reports) . <br /> giving her an ultimatum that she can either remain a Town <br /> Employee or remain on the FinCom, but she cannot do both, Leslie <br /> Greig initiated short discussion relative to the newspaper <br /> reports ' using "harsh" and "appalling" language. <br /> Annual Report to the Water District <br /> David Bailey informer that the Report is just a summary of <br /> what appeared on the FY1994 Recap Sheet. Board Members should <br /> review for approval # sign and send along . He advised that Board <br /> Members are welcome to make editorial comments as well . <br /> Vice Chairman DeLory made comment the Water District has Its <br /> Annual Meeting in April . David Bailey stated that he rakes a <br /> point to attend any of these meetings ; however, there have leen <br /> several during the past few months of which he was not informed . <br /> Board Action on A eals for Personal Property Tax Abatements <br /> Chairman Porter read into The Record the following <br /> ALL HAVE BEEFY ABATED IN FULL <br /> APPLIC. # MAP # BLOCS{ # OWNER ABATEMENT DATE <br /> lP 28 115 Dakas , Mary 2/14/95 <br /> P 78 89 Neff , Raymond & Joanne 2/14/95 <br />