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Board of Assessors Meeting i Page <br /> Data Collector ' s Progress (continued) <br /> David Bailey explained that there has not been any time in <br /> his schedule to work with and train the newly hired listor. <br /> However, he seems to be working out well and getting along with <br /> everyone. <br /> Vice Chairman Greig expressed opinion haat the listor <br /> appears to have his feet on the ground; hexer, he has a lot of <br /> learning to accomplish. David Bailer expressed agreement; he <br /> stated that he feels badly his. work schedule at present is too <br /> heavy to allow him Fto spend duality time with 'the listor. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further business before The Board for <br /> discussion, Leslie Greig made motion The Board adjourn the <br /> meeting; Kenneth Porter made second the motion; notion passed; <br /> unanimous decision. The regular board meeting was adjourned at <br /> 7 : 00 p.m. <br /> Rdspectfully submitted, <br /> Eleanor A# Bachand <br /> Board secretary <br />