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Board of Assessors Meeting Page 2 <br /> Minutes of The Meeting of June 12 , 1995 (continued) <br /> David Bailey informed that he did have the Listor out in the <br /> Field and around the Maushop area as well as Popponesset Island <br /> and Daniel ' s Island, and also the back roads of Popponesset a. few <br /> weeds ago. More discuss-.on followed. Kenneth Porten informed <br /> that he knows of some family sales that should be taking place in <br /> certain areas of Popponesset. David Bailey acknowledged that it <br /> is not unusual for family sales to generate in Popponesset; he <br /> expressed opinion that many of the current Owners used to summer <br /> in that area with their parents and have chosen to purchase <br /> properties in Popponesset. <br /> Vice Chairman Greig made motion The Board accept The Minutes <br /> of The Meeting of June 12 , 1995 , as printed; Kenneth Porter made <br /> second the motion; motion passed; unanimous decision. The <br /> Minutes were accepted by The Board. <br /> Minutes of- The Meeting of June 26 , 199 <br /> There was no discussion nor corrections , as These Minutes <br /> were very brief . <br /> Vice Chairman Greig made motion The Board accept The Minutes <br /> of The Meeting of June 26 , 1995 , as printed; Chairman De ory made <br /> second the motion; motion passed; majority decision. Kenneth � <br /> Porter refrained from voting as he was not present at that <br /> meeting. <br /> OLD/NEWU INES <br /> [update on Progress of Upcoming Revaluation <br /> David Bailey informed that he and Mr. Steve Ferreria of MMC <br /> net on Friday. Mr. Bailey has been experimenting with the <br /> tables , but he and Steve went over quite thoroughly the <br /> improvement schedule, which is the different building styles, the <br /> building size adjustments , and the land size adjustments . We did <br /> make the change spoken about earlier the building tables <br /> are going up by about to . . . the contemporaries have gone up <br /> more than average. We modified the building size curve , Which is <br /> what determines the price per square foot as the building gets <br /> larger the cost per square foot drops. It appeared that it <br /> was dropping too much, and we flattened that curve somewhat so � <br /> that it is not dropping that much. This was not ' ria jor change, <br /> but it has leveled things out in a more pleasant manner. <br /> i <br />