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Board of Assessors Meeting Page <br /> Stewart Bornstein Matter - FY1.992 Assessment Increase <br /> (continued) <br /> David Bailey ,further informed that Mr. Grossman reviewed the <br /> request; he sent a letter to us that "makes the Assessors ' Office <br /> look like ogres in this whole deal. . . . life the poor, innocent <br /> guy never had a chance" IN Mr, Bailey sent the letter to Mr. <br /> Bornstein with some minor changes ; Mr. Bornstein will re-draft <br /> the letter . dice Chairman Greig, who was Chairman of the Board <br /> of Assessors when this ratter was initiated, introduced lengthy <br /> discussion. <br /> Board members and David Bailey agreed that Mr. Bornstein ' s <br /> 11pure stubbornness" created this unpleasant situation. Mr. <br /> Bailey informed that by Mahone today, Mr. Bornstein told him to <br /> 11write down anything you want and I ' ll sign it" he did give <br /> Mr . Bailey the opportunity to really re-write the letter . More <br /> discussion followed. All Board Members expressed opinion that <br /> they had acted with fairness in this matter. <br /> David Bailey informed that Mt. Bornstein "swears up and <br /> down" he was not aware the tax bill .wIth the increased assessment <br /> was a real bill . Mr. Bailey expressed opinion the bill was not a <br /> very good. one; it did not cone through stating 'this is in <br /> addition to your last year ' s bill" it was just a bill that <br /> erne out of the blue. He feels this may have been a valid reason <br /> id not if for an abatement, It makes sense <br /> why ;r� Bornstein d y <br /> that if he applied for an abatement on a $200K assessment, he <br /> certainly would have applied for an abatement on a $700K <br /> assessment more discussion followed . <br /> Progress of__Upcom-ing Devaluation <br /> David Bailey informed The Board that he has printed out the <br /> LA4 Report to see what the chances made to date have done; so <br /> far, they have not done much. Although not the Eina.l. figure, the <br /> overall valuation of The Town has changed by $650 Thousand out of <br /> $1 , 2 Billion; the ups and the downs have pretty much balanced <br /> out, Upon question by vice Chairman Greig , Mr . Bailey stated <br /> that the New Growth, about $20 Million, is mixed in with this <br /> change; the drop in valuation appears to be about 20 Million. <br /> Mr. Bailey further informed that Industrial has cone down <br /> only about $2 Million; Commercial has gone up about $10 Million. <br /> Commercial will pick up another percentage point or so to <br /> increase its share. Overall , there has been very little change; <br /> Mashpee could end up with a tax rate very similar to that of last <br /> year. Kenneth Porter introduced lengthy discussion. <br />