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Board of Assessors Meeting 'age <br /> I <br /> Future Possibilities for mashjRee Municipal Golf Course <br /> (continued) <br /> on the original terrain and what you want to end up with <br /> and maintenance is the same deal . . . and how much of it is <br /> fairway, how much of it is Brough, how much of it is natural , and <br /> that sort of thing it can vary pretty dramatically ! ! <br /> Vice Chairman Greig asked David Bailey about his notes on <br /> the organization- of Cape Municipal Golf Committees . Mr. Bailey <br /> expressed opinion that the National Golf Foundation has a wealth <br /> of information. Lengthy discussion followed. Kenneth Porter <br /> made suggestion The Board discuss this matter further at another <br /> time. All expressed agreement. <br /> NEW BUSINESS : <br /> Town of Mashpee Employees ' Union Meetin <br /> General Discussion <br /> Upon David Bailey' s arrival from this evening ' s union <br /> meeting , Vice Chairman Greig questioned who is in the union . Mr. <br /> Bailey informed that all PAIS Employees are in the union. Mr. <br /> Greig stated that since Ms . Susan Collum and Mr, Stephen Ewing <br /> (the Listor) are in the union, Board Members can start fighting <br /> to get their- salaries increased. <br /> David Bailey explained that the union is fighting for the <br /> whole unit ; the proposed contract included no changes in anyone' s <br /> classification just taking the steps they are now and <br /> increasing salaries per year for the next three gears, <br /> across the board for everyone ignoring the classification <br /> study that The Town had done. Lengthy discussion followed. <br /> Kenneth Porter expressed opinion that this si-tuatlon does not get <br /> the best effort out of employees . Mr. Bailey agreed; he informed <br /> that at the union meeting he had just attended, he expressed <br /> opinion as a department head that he does not want employees who <br /> are underpaid this type of situation gees no good. <br /> Leslie- Greig asked David Bailey what the Town Boards can do. <br /> Mr. Bailey informed that a Classification Study Committee has <br /> been formed where it will look to classify those who are mis- <br /> classified, We are. now on the right track. Morc discussion <br /> followed. <br /> Chairman DeLory asked if David Bailey and others have spoken <br /> yet as a group with thein own union representative. Mr. Bailey <br /> replied that they have not; he stated that he is a firm believer <br />