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Board of Assessors Meeting Page 2 <br /> Minutes of The Meeting of March 26 , 1996 <br /> Board Members and David Bailey reviewed The Minutes, <br /> There were no corrections , nor was there any discussion. <br /> Kenneth Porter, made motion The Board accept The Minutes <br /> of The Meeting of March 26 , 1996printed; Leslie Greig <br /> made second the notion; motion passed; majority decision. The <br /> Minutes were accepted by The Board. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Reorganization of officers - Board of Assessors <br /> Kenneth Porter made motion The Board nominate Leslie M. <br /> Greig as Chairman of The Board; Marcia King made second the <br /> motion; motion passed; majority decision. Mr. Greig accepted the <br /> nomination as Chairman of The Board. <br /> Leslie Greig made motion The Board nominate Kenneth A. <br /> Porter as Vice Chairman, of The B a d; -Marcia King made second the <br /> motion; motion passed; majority decision. Mr, Porter accepted <br /> the nomination as Vice Chairman of The Board, <br /> Kenneth Porter made motion The Board nominate Marcia R. <br /> King as Secretary/Clerk of The Board; Leslie Greig made second <br /> the motion; motion passed- majority decision. Marcia King <br /> accepted the nomination as Secretary Clerk of The Board. <br /> Vice Chairman Porter welcomed Marcia King as a new <br /> Member of the Mashpee Board of Assessors and as Secretary/Clerk <br /> of The Board. <br /> Abatement Applications <br /> Maxwell - A2plications for Fiscal Years 1996 and 1997 <br /> Chairman Greig questioned David Bailey about the <br /> matter. Mr. Bailey informed that land use restrictions apply; <br /> the applications must be filed by October 1st in the year prior <br /> to the fiscal year. They should have b6en filed in 1994 and 1995 <br /> and are Moth late files , which Assessing has no jurisdiction to <br /> act upon. The applications must be denied. Mr. Bailey explained <br /> that he wanted to rake sure timely denials were sent out in ease <br /> the matter is appealed an excuse for the late files was <br /> furnished, but Mr. Bailey feels that a further authority would <br /> have to deal with the issue * <br />