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i <br /> • <br /> Board of Assessors Meeting Page <br /> The Internet - Mash ' s Home Pa e <br /> David Bailey informed that Assessing ' s assessment <br /> information is supposed to be placed on the Internet. He <br /> submitted the data to the Community and Economic Development <br /> organization that is creating a Hone Page which will include a <br /> searchable data base. The Town of Mashpee is creating a Horne <br /> Page as a whole. Our computer group has been researching several <br /> outlets for cost of hook-up and ease of use. Mr. Bailey, a <br /> member of the group, has found one outlet that seems quite good; <br /> cost is $20 per month unlimited; $5 for each additional E-Mail <br /> account. The computer group is going to present a letter- of Its <br /> findings to the Board of selectmen and express feeling that it i <br /> a good idea for Mashpee to have Its presence on the Internet. <br /> Lengthy discussion followed. <br /> Cobert R. DeLory - retired Member of Board of Assessors <br /> Chairman Greig stated that Bob DeLory spent 21 years as <br /> a Mashpee Assessor. He explained that Mr. DeLory has always been <br /> reluctant to accept public recognition; therefore, no ret1rement <br /> function was planned. Mr. Greig proposed that a plaque be <br /> prepared with proper inscription that he, Kenneth Porter, and <br /> David Bailey should present to Mr. DeLory at his home. Lengthy <br /> discussion followed. <br /> Kenneth Porter expressed fear that Bob DeLory may "blow <br /> ups' when the plague is presented. He suggested that it be mailed <br /> to hire. David Bailey rade comment, in jest, that he did shake <br /> Bob' s hand. Leslie Greig stated that he will deliver the plague <br /> himself . . . he has been to Mr. DeLory ' s house In the past. Mr. <br /> Bailey informed that he did ask the Cape Cod Assessors <br /> Association] to send Bob DeLory a letter. More discussion <br /> followed. All agreed there were many memorable experiences when <br /> Bob DeLory had been a hand individual to work with. <br /> ADJOURNMENT: <br /> There being no further business before The Board for <br /> discussion, Kenneth Porter made motion The Board adjourn the <br /> meeting- Leslie Greig made second the motion; motion passed; <br /> unanimous decision. The Regular Board Meeting was adjourned at <br /> 7 : 1.0 p.m. <br /> Respectf ully submitted, <br /> Eleanor A. Bachand <br /> Board Secretary <br /> i <br />