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Board of Assessors Meeting 'age <br /> David Baile ' s Recent Instructional Course <br /> Upon question from Chairman Greig, Mr. Bailey informed <br /> that the Market Approach Course he instructed was fun but quite <br /> I <br /> exhausting. He had to be "on his toes" ,mentally most of the time <br /> Ifrom 8 : 30 a.m. to p.m. because the other instructor was not <br /> there for the most part. People taking the course included many <br /> appraisers as well as some engineers and an attorney, Short <br /> discussion followed. <br /> NEW/OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Adjustment to the 17D Exemption <br /> upon question from vice Chairman Porter, David Bailey <br /> explained that the adjustment allowance means about a 3 <br /> cost-of-living increase every year. Chairman Greig informed that <br /> the adjustment should be brought to Town Meeting; he feels that <br /> Assessing could not do this for the October meeting; however, <br /> there are only 19 applications. Mr. Bailey expressed agreement; <br /> he feels that sponsoring an Article is more of a gesture . . <br /> there is not a great deal of money involved at the present time. <br /> Short discussion followed. <br /> The Overlay Reserve <br /> Chairman Greig referred to the letter of July 12 , 1996 , <br /> from the Board of Assessors to the Board of Selectmen. . copy o <br /> letter is attached to These Minutes. ) Leslie Greig informed that <br /> Mr, Bolo Whritenour has been on vaicat ion for two weeks; he checked <br /> with the Executive Secretary ' s office because he was curious why <br /> Assessing never got the request back from the Selectmen about the <br /> $900, 000 . Lengthy discussion followed, Mr. Bailey informed that <br /> Secretary Brenda called him today asking if he had his Article <br /> for Town Meeting ready . . he asked "what Article?" . . then <br /> she read Assessing' s letter back to him. Chairman Greig made <br /> I � • <br /> comment that r'. Whritenour, apparently, did nothing with the <br /> letter; according to Secretary Joyce, he did not pass it on to <br /> the Selectmen. <br /> Marcia King informed that FinCom has sponsored two <br /> Petition Articles for 'down Meeting; one is to pull $1 .4 Million <br /> to reduce the tax rate; the other is for Stabilization, At Town <br /> Meeting she will say that, currently, the tax rate will increase <br /> by 11 . 5% with the $900 Thousand it will only increase by <br /> 40 0 . with the $1 . 4 Million it will only increase by 3% . More <br /> I discussion followed about possible future alternative action <br /> concerning the transfer of the $900 , 000 . Nis . ding strongly <br /> Pointed out that at most Town Meetings, the Finance Committee <br />