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0 <br /> F Board of Assessors Meeting Page <br /> The Overlay Reserve (continued) <br /> makes the recommendations, involving only the Departments <br /> not the Board of Selectmen; in lashe, all three are involved ! <br /> She expressed strong opinion that this is a dif ficult <br /> situation to deal with. David Bailey agreed. <br /> Chairman Greig expressed strong opinion that the <br /> Chairman of the Board of Selectmen has been permitted to have far <br /> too much authority . . . ' this situation needs to be <br /> changed*' ! Upon question from vice Chairman Porter, Mr. Greig <br /> informed that he will not interfere; he plans to make suggestions <br /> personally to people he knows that could influence the Board to <br /> lessen this power. Not allowing some Articles for Town Meeting <br /> to be put through by various 'Departments has irked Chairman Greig <br /> as well as not responding to the Board of Assessors ' letter of <br /> July 12 . David bailey nude comment he' does not know if that <br /> letter required a response. <br /> Chairman Greig expressed concern that Monday was the <br /> deadline for all Departments to submit any Warrant Articles they <br /> wish to sponsor for the upcoming October Town Meeting. Be also <br /> expressed concern about how the $900 , 000 will . a used. David <br /> Bailey informed that Assessing must make sure it is <br /> transferred to Surplus just before Town Meeting; this can be done <br /> without a request from the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Greig asked <br /> if this transfer should be done without a request . . . he made <br /> comment this entire situation "gripes hire " ' Marcia Ding pointed <br /> out that F in om' s Petition Article for Sta it i ation should <br /> assure the appropriate use of surplus funds we must tell. <br /> all Taxpayers to come to Town Meeting and vote for these two <br /> Petition Articles. All expressed agreement. <br /> date by David Bailey on Assessing -De2artment ' s Activities <br /> David Bailey informed that some ATB uses are <br /> forthcoming next week. Co, mmercial Personal Property has been <br /> completed. MS, Susan Collum went out on many boats; in <br /> September,, the Registry will give us a list of Owners. Quality <br /> cheeks on the last few years of building permits are in process . <br /> Property values are being worked on along with the ATB data . <br /> Upon question from vice Chairman porter concerning ATB <br /> Cases, Mr. Bailey informed that there are two waterfront Lots <br /> loth sold very low at auction - we may lose something on these; <br /> -Tul.anian ' house - we can handle this - ease to be held in <br /> Falmouth if it takes place* - the attorney seems reluctant. <br /> Lengthy side discussions followed,, <br />