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I <br /> Board of Assessors Meeting Page <br /> Neighborhood values (continued) <br /> report *corers the period of January 1 . 1.995 to September 1 , 1996. <br /> When the report is gone from January to January, it looks better <br /> because the c.o.d. is down around 8. 2% or 8 .3% . <br /> Ippon question from Chairman Greig, David Bailer <br /> informed that the N3 properties have dropped a few percentage <br /> points; however, the better properties in New Seabury are holding <br /> thein own there are many sales in the $400 , 000 range. <br /> Vice chairman Porter pointed out that many older <br /> hones have been unproved in value as much as ,' but another <br /> January must coo by before there is fair assessment:. Mr . Bailey <br /> agreed; ' he stated that the repeat sales of these properties have <br /> sola at a higher value. 'Mr, Porter expressed concern that entire <br /> areas may be strapped with higher assessments because of these <br /> unproved properties that have recently sold. Mr. Bailey assured <br /> he will be taking a very close look at the ones that are more <br /> than 1 off . fir. Porter noted that many hones in Popponesset <br /> are quite old . . . built in the 1940sand 1950s-. He questioned <br /> the depreciation schedule. Mr, Bailey stated that he has been <br /> reviewing these houses by year built; he intends to put this data <br /> on a spreadsheet: to rake sure the depreciation is correct. <br /> Chairman Greig questioned the value placed on -New <br /> ew <br /> seabury ' s transfer of the commerclal and residential properties <br /> which have not been recorded, He pointed out: that this is an <br /> approved plan and worth much more than raw land. David Bailey <br /> informed that the assessment: is well over $one million <br /> where it should be. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the <br /> low value of vacant: land in Mashpee and the high cost of putting <br /> in approved roads; the open space benefits of "'pork chop" Lots; <br /> and cluster zoning being too restrictive and in need of chance. <br /> David Bailey informed that he will print' out a <br /> copy of the report for each Board member, this should be <br /> finalized by the beginning of November . Then, the Growth and Tax <br /> Rate can be done; the classification Hearing will probably be the <br /> November.last week of Hopefull y, . the 'fax mate will be approved <br /> the first geek of December so that the Tax Bills can be printed. <br /> iashpee 'down Hall ' s Completion Date of Renovation <br /> David Bailey informed that December 15th is the <br /> nevercompletion date for the renovation of Town Hall two <br /> months behind schedule. Lengthy discussion followed. <br />