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_i <br /> Board of Assessors Meeting Page 2 <br /> New Tax Rate continued <br /> David Bailey expressed opinion that good financial <br /> planning leads to obtaining a better bond rating this saves <br /> the Town thousands of dollars. We have prepared a presentation <br /> to Moody; its representative is scheduled ' to meet here on the <br /> loth of January; we are in process of inviting key business <br /> people from the Town to attend and to state why Mashpee is worth <br /> investing in. Mr. Bailey pointed out that even though tax <br /> collections are off about 4 , the Tax Rate increase is and has <br /> been quite minimal over the past five. years; this shows that the <br /> Town is not overly dependent on any one segment of the economy. <br /> Vice Chairman Porter introduced lengthy discussion <br /> concerning the practice of the wholesale of liens . David Bailey <br /> explained that the practice may be worthwhile for a few years to <br /> show that the Town means business ; however, payment plans must be <br /> offered by the Town initially Jany of the delinquent <br /> Taxpayers are on wr .tten payment plans. <br /> David Bailey informed that by the third week in <br /> January , we should know what the bond gating is for the school <br /> bond a $30 Million lion Bond . . . a couple of percentage points <br /> means a great deal of money. More discussion followed. Chairman <br /> Greig asked about the $2 . 7 Million bond for the Fire Station. <br /> Mr. Bailey stated that he has not seem where this falls in the <br /> Capital outlay Plan he has yet to review the Capital. outlay <br /> Request, <br /> Preparation of Assessin ' s Yearly Budget <br /> David Bailey informed Board Members that Assessing ' s <br /> yearly budget needs to be done. <br /> NEW OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Classification Hearin <br /> Vice Chairman Porter informed, for The Record, that the <br /> Classification Hearing has been completed. <br /> Board of Assessors Meeting Schedule <br /> The Board did not set definite slates for Regular <br /> Meetings in the months of December, 1996, and January, 1997 . <br />