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S <br /> Board Assessors Meeting Page4 <br /> School. Aid (continued) <br /> George Costa suggested that the Assessors participate. <br /> David Bailey has been collecting a great deal of information for <br /> the upcoming meeting, <br /> David Bailey introduced lengthy discussion. He informed <br /> that the Chapter 70 money has created Mashpee ' s probl m, and he <br /> expressed opinion Mashpee must get together with other Towns that <br /> are being deprived of school funding in order to establish power <br /> and votes in the Legislature. He pointed out that many Towns are <br /> receiving less aid while others are receiving fax more . . . for <br /> example, the City of Lawrence all that money was misused <br /> Marcia King informed that many Towns voted to give <br /> additional funds to their school committees; when these Towns <br /> asked the Legislature for more school aid, they were told the <br /> Taxpayers voted for the additional school. funding, She does not <br /> plan to - attend the meeting. Mr. Bailey agreed that Towns are <br /> being penalized because they acted responsibly to the needs of <br /> their schools . <br /> Marcia King feels that if mashpee bankrupts itself , it will <br /> have all new schools in five years as did Chelsea and so <br /> will Lawrence. Side discussions followed. <br /> Upon Chairman Greig ' s suggestion that $300 , 000 be put <br /> into Free Cash and the rest left up to the Taxpayers , David <br /> Dailey felt this would do more harm by sparing- the burdens of the <br />' Town most Taxpayers do not have f ull knowledge of this <br /> Marcia King pointed out that the School Committee had <br /> $155 , 000 left over from this Fiscal Year, yet never offered to <br /> give even one half back.' ! She informed that Dr. Antonucci ]mows <br /> the system is unfair, but he wants no changes in the formula <br /> until the year lwhen the seven years elapsed. Mr. Greig <br /> pointed out that Dr. DeMoura has this knowledge, but he i <br /> looking *for additional aid that Mashpee may be entitled to. <br /> Marcia King pointed out that each Town does this , thereby <br /> preventing the deprived Towns from binding together to storm the <br /> State Mouse! ! David Bailey agreed; he pointed out this Is what <br /> happened to Mashpee about six years ago with Chapter 70 coney - <br /> over the past years, this money has amounted to "nothing" ! ,r <br /> Lengthy side discussions followed. <br /> Chairman Greig informed that he plans to attend the <br /> upcoming meeting. <br />