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. classification Hearl'n continued . <br /> During the review and discussion of the 3 topics J son Streebei also mentioned: <br /> That make-up of commercial to residence in Mashpee is small; simple for tax assessors' office to <br /> have single rate; and benefit to residents would be minimal. <br /> As to residential exemption, only 11 terns in Massachusetts adopted this exemption; very <br /> controversial; and assessors have to determine who is full-time and who is not. <br /> • Most towns do not have small business exemption. Barnstable did last year and are dong awe <br /> with it this year. <br /> MOTION Sheldon Holzer made the motion that the BOA recommends to the Board of Selectmen that <br /> the single rate classification remain for commercial and residential properties. Paul Andrews secohded <br /> the motion; and it was approved. <br /> MOTION: Sheldon Holzer rade the motion that the BOA recommends to the Board of Selectmen that <br /> they not adopt the residential exemption. Paul Andrews seconded the motion; and it was approved. <br /> MOTION: Sheldon Holzer made the motion that the BOA recommends to the Board of Selectmen that <br /> they not adopt the small business exemption. Paul Andrews seconded the motion; and it was approved. <br /> NEW 11 BUSI 1ESS <br /> 1. Abatement A tications <br /> Thomas and Linda Nichol -37 Seaview Lane. over-valued. Requesting assessment correction from <br /> $945,700 to$849,700. <br /> [Motion: Sheldon Holzer motioned that in the case of Thomas and Linda Nichols the BOA approve their <br /> abatement request based on re-evaluation of the house. <br /> Marr Il inugh-49 Seaview Lane. Requesting over-evaluation be corrected. <br /> Conclusion: Deferred until net BOA Meeting since more information is needed for review. <br /> Decision...In reviewing the remaining abatement requests the BOA decided to bold these abatements <br /> until net meeting when full value information is provided. <br /> . E emptinpli anon <br /> is th w Dooiin-•Veterans Exemption Application . <br /> Denied. Veterans Exemption Application for Mr. Doolin is denied based on his not being domiciled in <br /> Town of Mashpee as of,duly 1, 200 6. <br /> Charles Gilmefte-Veterans Exemption Application <br /> Sheldon Holzer made a motion to approve the Veterans Exemption application for Chanes Gilmette. Paul <br /> Andrews seconded the motion; and it was approved. <br /> Donald Mazzucchi-Veterans Exemption Application <br /> Sheldon Holzer made a motion to appr ve the Veterans Exemption application for Donald l azzucchi. <br /> Paul Andrews seconded the motion; and it was approved. <br /> Donald Douglas, Jr.-•-Veterans Exemption Application <br /> Sheldon Hofer made a motion to approve the Veterans Exemption application for Donald Douglas, .Jr. <br /> Paul Andrews seconded the motion; and it was approved. <br /> Robert er Magner--Veterans Exemption Application <br /> Sheldon Holzer made a motion to approve the Veterans Exemption application for Robert Wagner. Paul <br /> Andrews seconded the motion; and it was approved. <br /> Traci Ferguson-Motor Vehicle Excise Abatement <br /> Denied. Motor Vehicle Excise Abatement request is denied because plates were not turned in until 2006. <br />