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Y <br /> . Preliminary Tac Bill <br /> .Jayson Streebel reported that the office is preparing to send out'the preliminary tax bills for <br /> the next two quarters, as. f July 1 st, 2010. The total tax bill is $181981,85'1.83, basically <br /> half of the amount of last year's tax bill. <br /> . Supplemental Tax Bill <br /> Jason Streebel stated that the office is sending out twenty-five supplemental tax bills for <br /> 2009-2010. The total amount of the supplemental tax bill is $43,057.87. Last year's <br /> supplemental tax hill was $115,000, significantly higher than this year, the decrease being <br /> due to a substantial decline in new housing construction. <br /> . Town Financial Audit . <br /> Jason Streebel stated that the town is currently undergoing its annual financial audit, <br /> closing out FY 2010. The Assessing Office is involved in the process, reporting <br /> outstanding liabilities for ATB.cases and abatements, and will be giving a work flow review <br /> of the office for comparison to that of the Finance Department. <br /> . Bond Rating Review <br /> The bond rating review for the Town is conning up in ,duly. The Town is preparing to bond <br /> the new Ma hpee Library, and will be financing :5 million. Jason Streebel estimates that <br /> it will raise the tax rate for Fiscal Year 2012 by approximately $1.00. <br /> i . Appellate Tax Board Cases <br /> a} Global Communications, LLC, has withdrawn all its appeals from 2004 through <br /> 2010 <br /> b Appeals have been filed for Mark and Tobin Galante of 154 Captains Komi, <br /> Mash pee <br /> c) Attorney Mark Wit in has filed for Ohima, Inc. Nursing Home . <br /> d Verizon of New England has filed with the Torn of 1 lashpee on-its personal i <br /> property <br /> NEW BUSINESS • <br /> 1. Water District.Letter. <br /> Paul Andrews questioned whether the Board should draft a later to the Water District <br /> stating that the district budget was passed with the stipend intact, thus questioning their . <br /> ability to negotiate for the existing budget. Gregg Fraser stated his concern about the <br /> Town stipend which was approved by the Vater District Annual Town Meeting, and what <br /> the Wate r District intended to do about that; as of,July 1, 2010. Gregg stated further#hat <br /> he thought the BOA should send a letter to the Town Manager asking about the intentions <br /> of the Administration, given that the stipend was a budget item passed by Town Meeting, <br /> and that if in fact the Town Administration wants to remove the stipend, then it should be <br /> addressed as part of the fiscal 2012 deliberations, not 2011, and the stipends for 2011 <br /> should be paid. <br /> Sheldon Holzer made a r otion'to have the BOA Chairman create a draft letter to the <br /> Chairman of the Water District, for review by the Board of Assessors at the next me ting. <br /> Gregg Fraser seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> . <br /> Sheldon Holzer made a motion that the Board of Assessors move into Executive Session, <br /> to.return to the Public Session, in order to comply with the provisions of General Lair MGL <br /> Chapter Section , to discuss abatement applications received, the contents of which <br /> p a <br /> are not public record. Gregg Fraser seconded the motion. . <br /> 2 <br />