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x <br /> } F <br /> . Public Disclosure Weed (see Attachments A & B <br /> .Jason Streebel distributed copies of a DI -required notice that appeared in the <br /> ll ashpee Enterprise on Friday, Nov. 12t', as well as a copy of a postcard that was sent <br /> to 3,500 second-home owners in the Town of I lashpee, notifying them of the new <br /> . valuations. Mason stated that his office has been receiving many phone calls to request <br /> information re: how to access the information online. <br /> Gregg Fraser made a motion that the Board of Assessors move into Executive Session, <br /> to return to Public Session, in order to comply with the provisions of General Law MGL <br /> Chapter 59, Section 60, to discuss possible exemption/abatement applications, the <br /> contents of which are not public record. Paul Andrews seconded the motion. <br /> Roll CallVote: GreggFraser, yes; Paul Andrews, yes; Sheldon Holzer; yes. The <br /> motion was unanimously approved. <br /> The Board moved into Executive Session at : P1111. <br /> The Board reconvened the Public Session at 6:11 PM. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1. Request est for BOA Reconsideration of Exemption Denial—Robert Wagner <br /> .Jason Streebel gave background information on the Robert Wagner request, stating that <br /> Mr. Wagner had previously applied for a Veteran's exemption. Mr. Wagner has filed his <br /> tax returns from his daughter's hone address In Norwood, MA., and his AVIA. driver's <br /> license has a local Mashpee address. The BOA ruled that Mr. Wagner did-riot qualify for <br /> the exemption based on domicile, and denied his exemption request. <br /> . Ratification f Willowbend ATB settlement Agreement <br /> Paul Andrews made a motion that the Board'ratify the executive session vote to accept <br /> the 11illowbend Appellate Tax Board settlement proposal, Gregg Fraser seconded the <br /> motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> . Update on Recertification from DOR for FY 2011 <br /> Jason Streebel reported that the Assessing Office is now in the midst of the valuation <br /> . re erfification•proce s and stated that on Monday morning he will submit to the DOR the. <br /> valuations for final certification and is presuming approval. The Tuesday after <br /> Thanksgiving the Water r District is holding its classification bearing at 5 PM-in the Water <br /> District office. The Water District estimated tax rate is going to be 1 cents per <br /> thousand. Jason Streebel stated that BOA members are welcome to attend the <br /> hearing. The Selectmen will be having their Classification Hearing n Monday, Dec. , <br /> . g <br /> 2010. <br /> Greggraser made a motion that the Board of Assessors recommend to the Board of <br /> gg . <br /> Selectmen that they adopt the factor of one for the tax classification with no open space <br /> exemption, no small business exemption.. Pawl Andrews seconded the motion. The <br /> motion was unanimously approved. <br />