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PLANNING BOARD <br /> 2 <br /> Planning Board Minutes - January 18a 1984 <br /> Now, 10.2.2 Any comments on that one? I have one item circled here* <br /> Harold Collins: That should read "inspector" not "official" .. That is , <br /> it should read: building inspector and not building official. <br /> Earle M rsters: We will eliminate the word official and inert the <br /> word inspector. <br /> Gentleman in the audience: I have a question. About the bond as mentioned <br /> in section 10.8. Why would you be requiring a bond for the construction <br /> f a sign? If you-',r�e requi ring that all of the other things be brought <br /> before the building inspector, why would there have to be a bond? <br /> Earle Mars tens: The only thing I can think of John is that it would be <br /> constructed as designed. <br /> Harold Collins : That is a requirement in the state building codes <br /> Earle Mars tens: Most of this has been taken from the state building <br /> code. <br /> John: Earle , aren9t you now raking people post landscape bonds and <br /> wouldn' t this fall under a landscape bond? <br /> Gentleman. from audience-: you mean before ore I can put up a sign down <br /> there I have to post a bond? Are we forced to go with the state building <br /> code? <br /> Earle Mars teas: We can' t have any requirements that are less stringent <br /> than tha state and we have to at least go with the state requirements. <br /> We can be more stringent but we can' t be less. <br /> Gentleman from audience: Somewhere along the line someone s going to <br /> say - gee whiq you' r~e going t put up sign - we meed bond o $500- <br /> for that and maybe Harold won' t do that but at sometime everyone will <br /> be required to put up a bond. Who decided, "where required" and whose <br /> is the discretion? <br /> Harold Collins: The building inspector has the discretion. <br /> Earle Mar to s: It is the building inspector who issues the permit, <br /> so it says, If the building inspector so stipulates that is his discretion. <br /> Harold Collins: The sign has to be pint up In a safe poli tion. <br /> Gentleman from audience: If someone sets up the specifications and states <br /> how it will be erected and it is structurally sound, why is the bond <br /> needed? <br /> ( continued page 3) <br />