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f <br /> 1 <br /> PIANNING BOARD MINUTES : May 2. 1984 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Earle Marsters, Herold Collins * Richard Dubin <br /> Richardson Jonas, Michele Stone <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIME: -8:0 p.m. <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for April 18, 1984 except for the <br /> section which stated lir. 1arsters "steppe out due to conflict of <br /> W <br /> nterest" s it was misleading and should be amended to mead Mr. learsters <br /> abstained , <br /> The meeting opened with the first of four public hearings for the night, <br /> The first hearing regarded the abandoning of Job's Fishing Rd. Nor. <br /> Marsters read the public hearing notice as advertised. As the article <br /> was submitted by Fields Point Manufacturing ing Co. , he called on Mr. Arnold <br /> chase to speak. <br /> Mr. Chase said they had discussed the issue at previous meeting and the <br /> basic idea is that the present road heads into the woods and 90% <br /> the road is hand to distinguish. He said he 's asking the Town to abandon <br /> it because he wants to expand the shopping center and the present road <br /> conflicts with the expansion. They're trying to develop the center as <br /> town center and they meed to comply with parkin regulatic s, so they <br /> approached the town to see if the build the road further, will the <br /> town. consider transferring the rights onto land further down. He went <br /> n to say it was apparent that people in town were interested in a con- <br /> nector from Rte 151 to Rte 28. He said after talking to the Town they <br /> agreed to expand the size of the road and would include a bikes. . <br /> Mr. fir ers asked if there were any questions . <br /> Joseph Murphy, Executive Secretary for the Town of Mashpee , spoke <br /> on behalf of the Board of, Selectmen. He said they were looking at it for <br /> several reasons : l it would provide a bye-pass of the rotary from <br /> Rte 28 to Rte 151, and would egress on Rte 151 by the fire station and <br /> mean less congestion; 2 the town would get a bike path and that's <br /> ghat the Selectmen and conservation wants ; the town adopted the <br /> village concept pland and the new road falls within this context, He <br /> said the change meets all concerns of legal counsel and the town engineer <br /> and is in the best .interest of the town, <br /> Mr. Marsters stated. the Planning Board also supported the article as the <br /> own would get a by-opass at no cost to the t own. <br /> There were no further questions so Mr. Irters went on to the next <br /> public hearing for the companion article which would change the zoning <br /> in the area, He read the advertisement as it appeared in the newspaper. <br /> He said it was necessary to continue the commercial zoneat-.the shopping r <br />