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4 <br /> i <br /> PIANNING BOARD MINUTES : -2- Cont"d Page 2 <br /> center to the new point of the new road as it was only to the old road <br /> before .. He called on .Mr. Chase again. <br /> Mrs. Chase said the zoning line ran along the ancient way and no longer <br /> used as one . He said the zoning change is necessary to allow the <br /> shopping center to expand. <br /> Joseph Murphy, again representing the Selectmen, stated the town would <br /> be getting a valuable roadway constructed by a private developer and <br /> the expansion of the existing -1 zone comes within the village concept. <br /> Mr. Marsters. asked if there were any questions and there were none . He <br /> said the Board will take this article under advisement and have a repo.rt <br /> on both articles at the annual town meeting. <br /> Mr. Marsters announced the thrid public hearing was on South Cape Beach, <br /> He read the advertisement as it appeared in the newspaper, As the <br /> article was submitted by the Selectmen, Joseph Murphy spoke on their <br /> behalf. <br /> Mr. 'Murphy -said the rain area of concern is within South. Cape Beach. <br /> He said it's necessary to abandon town rights to Great Oak Rd. It was <br /> submitted because the intent of tin meeting was for the state to tape <br /> the beach and this will fuf ill this and allow the town to abandon Great <br /> Oak Rd. once legal work is completed by Town Counsel and DEM. <br /> Mr. Kirshner said the town would an access road to the curie nt <br /> town beach or a new beach and he urged the Board to adopt this article . <br /> Mr. Marsters asked when he f ars es road construction and Mr. Kirschner <br /> replied it was supposed to be one or two years . <br /> Mr. Marsters said the Board would take the article under advisement as <br /> there were no further questions . <br /> Mr. Marsters introduced the Fourth and final article which was to d <br /> with the taping of Hooppole Road. He read the article as it appeared <br /> in the newspaper. As it was submitted by the Selectmen, he called on <br /> Joseph Murphy* <br /> Joseph 'Murphy, representing the Board of Selectmen, pointed to a map-.-,-, <br /> showing the layout of Hooppole Road.. He said he need not have to describe <br /> the condition of Hooppole Rd. as a number of timesthe town meetings <br /> have made reference to Hooppole did. The town would like it as a town <br /> way, He stated there is a mechanism in the town bylaw for takings <br /> but this is not a mechanism being used in this case but by the Selectmen. <br /> A companion article would ask for funds for construction of the roadway. <br /> The new road would tape the carne path as now exists* He said notices <br />