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a <br /> lun IF <br /> F ' asl re <br /> P. O. BOX 1 108 <br /> MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 6-6-84 C 'd . Page 2 <br /> Petitioner: Highwood Water Co. <br /> Submitted by: Frank Whiting. <br /> Type of Plan: Approval Not required <br /> Location: Westerly of Rock Landing Road <br /> Fee : $30-.00 <br /> The plan showed two lots which will be a waterfield for ant--e -isti4g <br /> well. They had to increase the protective radius so they're changing <br /> the line <br /> Mr. Rowley said a mote should be put on the plan that it's not to be <br /> considered a buildable lot even though '.it's only used for a well as it <br /> doesn't have the proper frontage , and to file as a Form A , you have ve to <br /> have the note , <br /> Mr. Whiting added "Parcel A & B not to be considered separate building <br /> lots" on the plan, All voted in favor of signing the plan with that <br /> amendment. lir. Whiting said he would ake-, back tie11ne -to .h 1,_i <br /> corrected and bring the prints back to the Town Clerk. <br /> Petitioner: P&H Realty Frust <br /> Submitted by: Carl <br /> Type of Plan: Preliminary <br /> Location: West of Rte . 28 <br /> Fee: $50.00 <br /> They presented the plan as they said it was suggested they initiate <br /> subdivision and this 200' brings in the former Gessner property. The <br /> said pending Mr,. Rowle 's approval, they will then go to the definitive <br /> stage <br /> Mr. Marsters looked at the plan and noted that the Last time they had <br /> asked for a temporary turn around and felt this plan should have one <br /> also, fir. said they didn't o with the first tura around because <br /> they posted a bond and did the whole road and they were planning to do <br /> the same this time , <br /> Mr. Rowley said. he-c hadn't seem the plan prion to this but they had <br /> discussed the basics of the plan at previous times so he had a pretty <br /> good idea -of what was going to be shown, but not specifically, He said <br /> he had made comments on the drainage and the engineer had tried to in# <br /> corporate his thoughts . <br /> Mr. Marsters asked what they had in the way of lots and they said they <br />