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■ <br /> Talun of <br /> P. o. BOX 1 108 <br /> MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> PIANNING BOARD MINUTES : 6-6-84 Cont'd. Page 3 <br /> had 2 lots which allowed them to conform with the 15,000 GPE. <br /> Mr. Dubin asked them what the status of the special permit application <br /> was . They responded that the Board of Appeals had suggested they they <br /> do it parallel with the Planning Board so they wanted to ask this Board <br /> if they could proceed to the Board of Appeals if everythingis oar. <br /> Mr. Iarsters. and Mr. Dubin said according to the By-Laws, the Planning <br /> Board would issue the special permit, <br /> Mr. said they had submitted the plan to other boards and felt <br /> the time had lapsed and they have gone before the Design Review Committee . <br /> He also said they met with the Board of Health on April 23 and showed <br /> them the entire project and requested they be able to use a typical <br /> septic system, He said they had received a letter of agreement from <br /> thea saying it was okay to use a typical system as they had used on the <br /> other side . He went on to say before there was a density question and <br /> they fixed that, then there was the Board f Health issue and they went <br /> before thea, thea there was a cluster issue and they changed that. Now <br /> they world life to go ahead with the definitive plane <br /> Mr. Marsters made a motion to approve the preapplication. process , it was <br /> seconded. by Mr. Collins. and everyone voted In favor. <br /> Petit over: Edward Grogan <br /> Submitted by: Atty. Kirrane <br /> Type of Plan: Preliminary <br /> Location: Meetinghouse Rd. <br /> _ Atty. Kirrane presented a revised plan incorporating ghat the Board had <br /> suggested at the last meeting. He said they have significantly reduced <br /> the pavement and cropped the buildi <br />