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Etifian Of M�11 zMbpre <br /> co <br /> 1 <br /> P. O. BOX 1108 <br /> MA HPEE. MA 02e49 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : October l?, 1984 <br /> IVIS PRESENT: Richard Dubin, Earle iarsters , Michele Stone , <br /> Harold Collins , Richardson Jonas <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TITO : 8 :05 p.m. <br /> The meeting opened with a public hearing on a definitive subdivision <br /> plan of Steven Sack located on Quinaquisset Avenue , Mr. Mar§ters ea.d <br /> the public hearing notice from the newspaper as Mr. Dubin abstained <br /> Chris Clark represented I r. . Sack. He said he had made the changes on <br /> the profile plans as Mr. Rowley had suggested. The Board asked for <br /> receipt from the Bard of Health and Mr. Clark produced one . <br /> Mr, Rowley submitted a new report on the plan and the Board reviewed <br /> it, As he had already made the changes noted in #1, they asked him <br /> to make the changes noted in #2. Mr. Jonas questioned where the water <br /> would flow w from the road on Quinaquisset, Mr.. Rowley said the profile <br /> it <br /> shows drainage past the entrance on Quinaquisset and the war 'it 's <br /> built , the entrance pavement slopes down, so if they burn it, the water <br /> coming down Quinaquissetwon't come into the project. They are using <br /> catch basins and leaching pits , <br /> Mr, Marsters asked if anyone in the room had any interest in this <br /> subdivision. Vernon Thomas asked how many lots were there , Mr . Marsters <br /> responded there were 2 lots on Quinaquisset and 2 lots off Quinaquisset , <br /> As there were no further questions , the Board took the plan under advise- <br /> ment and Mr. Clark will make the changes for the next meeting. The <br /> hearing was continued until 11/? , Mr. Clark took the original plan and <br /> copies to make the changes but 'left the profiles , <br /> The Board took up the public hearing on the special permit application <br /> submitted by Edward Grogan to construe 204 condominium units off of <br /> Meetinghouse Rd . Richardson Jonas abstained from this hearing . <br /> Mr. Dubin read the public hearing notice from the newspaper, He hien <br /> called on the proponants <br /> Atty. Kirrane , representing Mr. Grogan presented the Board with an <br /> overall site plan, copies of information relating to the sewerage <br /> treatment plant, an additional plan for the proposed phasing of the <br /> pro .ect, and overall landscaping plan and a landscaping plan around the <br /> units , <br />