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i <br /> ■ <br /> Y <br /> Eaffin <br /> P. O. Box 1108 <br /> MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> PIANNING BOARD MINUTES : 10/17/84 Cont . Page 2 <br /> Atty. Kirrane said in an effort to culminate the process they began in <br /> February, they were seeking a special permit under the provisions o <br /> Section 9 of the by-laws . During the preliminary process he said h <br /> presented plans to various boards in town and cane up with the definitive <br /> plans , He said originally the roadways contained 7300 linear feet and <br /> after input, they reduced then to 5060 linear feet; there were 35 buildings <br /> t the beginning and now there are 29; they had 4 entrances when they <br /> started and now they have 2 entrances . They are proposing 204 units - <br /> 10 8-units , to ?-units , 9 6-units , 4 tennis courts , 3 pools and <br /> recreation building. He also said they are proposing to have a commercial <br /> building as allowed in Section 9, but are dealing with that separately <br /> and not tonight as requested by the Planning Board , They will be <br /> located in an R-2 area which has a density up to 3 unitsZacre . It <br /> consists of @69.9 acres includes wetlands ) , wetlands total 1.2 acreas ; <br /> the buildings. total 3 .7+ acres .8% of entire acreage ) , pavement totals 10,66+ acres (15 .3%) , open space totals 55.87+ acres (?9.9%) • The open <br /> 40 space includes the recreational types of facilities . The frontage , <br /> setback, and buffer zone re u i rez a nt s have been complied with . <br /> Mr.' Marsters asked hire how he determined the open space and Atter. <br /> Kirrane said he had also included the areas around the buildings . Mr. <br /> Iarsters stated that was not the intent of the by-law but Atty. Kirrane <br /> said even if that 's true , they still have the 30% that is required, and <br /> they do have a large continuous span of open space . <br /> F <br /> Atty. Kirrane went on to say the Board of Health and' DEQE are in favor <br /> and pleased with the use of a sewerage treatment plan on this particular <br /> project. He said originally they had planned on hire 2 wells for <br /> each building but now due to DEQE, they will have two 911 central wells * <br /> Atty. Kirrane turned the resent tion over to Mr. Dobie to discuss the <br /> sewerage treatment plant . <br /> Mr . Dobie said the buildings will have septic tams which will lead to <br /> the treatment plant for polishing . He said the water that will be placed <br /> back in the ground from the treatment plant will be 95-98% free of <br /> organic contaminants and the nitrate content will fall within state <br /> standards for drinking water. He said they have other plants in the <br /> area and have had good results on them. <br /> r, Marsters asked if it will be discharged into the ground right on <br /> the site , -Mr. Dobie said yes , it can be done through leaching pits <br /> which is preferred by D - After the water is released from the plant <br /> it would filter through a sand leaching bed for further} contaminant <br /> removal . <br />