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Talunash rr of <br /> P. 0. BOA( 1108 <br /> MA H PEE. MA 02649 <br /> SPECIAL PLANNING BOARD P- ETI G MINUTES : NoWember 28 , 1984 <br /> M-EMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, Earle Marsters Richardson Jonas <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT : Michele Stone , Harold Collins <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> WE 8 : 00 p.m. <br /> Also present : Torn, Town Planner <br /> Joseph Reardon, Town Counsel, was present to answer some of the Board 's <br /> legal questions . <br /> The Board asked Att . Reardon about the amendments to the zoning article <br /> for Waquoit Bay and if it was still legal as it 's not what was advertised , <br /> Atty. Reardon said it was . <br /> The Board asked Atty. Reardon for his opinion on the plan presented b <br /> Sarah & Rebecca Land Co. and if they could be made to bring the road up <br /> to standard . <br /> Atty. Reardon said the subdivision plan that was approved required con- <br /> struction of the roads under the subdivision control law, they weren 't <br /> constructed and therefore ore even though signatures appear on the plan, the <br /> Board d esn't have to approve as an ANR unless the subdivider agrees t <br /> construct the road . He said the Board can do this under sections 81W, <br /> 81L (part B) and 81U of the Mass . General laws . 811 says before approval <br /> of plan, they have to construct ways according to rules and regulations <br /> of said Board , Therefore it wasn't approved in accordance with the <br /> subdivision control. law - it 's not an ANR plan and they -ave to resubmit it . <br /> The Board asked Atty. Reardon how Mr. Collins can vote on the Edward <br /> Grogan plan when he 's in Florida and the Board has to make a decision before <br /> he returns . Att . Reardon said Mr, Collins could get a power~ of attorney <br /> to vote for him since he sat in at the hearing. He would have to sign the <br /> plan and they could send it to him or deliver it . <br /> The Board then asked Atty. Reardon about Sunset Strip and, if the lots are <br /> buildable , Ott . Reardon said the lots should be grandfathered and Mr. <br /> Cotton should go to the Assessor's and bring in information as to when the <br /> lots went into separate ownership. <br /> The Board had a problem with 4 small lots and were going to ask the <br />