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11/28/1984 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
11/28/1984 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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r <br /> T13(an of IE- U54per <br /> P. O. BOX 1108 <br /> ASH PEE. MA 02649 <br /> SPECIAL PLA III BOARD MEETINGMINUTES : 11/28/84 Page 2 <br /> the petitioner to combine them. Mr. Dubin said he Ill call theca to combine <br /> the 4 lots and bring in a new ANR Dlan. <br /> Mr. Jonas asked Atty. Reardon about the ballpark down Shields lane , <br /> He explained how the fiord had asked them to rove the ballpark as it was <br /> in a hole . They did move it , but now :.1r. Jonas discovered it 's in a <br /> worse hole and wanted to know if they can make -them put it back, <br /> Atty. Reardon said they could . Mr• Rowley 8aid the Board co ld require <br /> them to build the ballpark and they would have the problem of filling in <br /> the dole to build it . <br /> 'tom F data said there 's also a problem of the lots at the entrance being <br /> in a C-1 area and he doesn't think they have enough lot size . <br /> The Board decided to require the park be built before they release the <br /> covenant . Mr. Rowley would examine the site and the Board will decide <br /> if a, letter should be sent at the next meeting. <br /> The Board discussed the waquoit Bay buffer article . fir. Marsters wanted <br /> it reamended to just include area 5o' from wetlands within the ACEC . Mr. <br /> ilbin wanted it reamended to change the word "'lot"' to "land" . <br /> Mr. Jonas made a motion to authorize Mr. Fudala to make the requested <br /> changes , Mr.. Marsters seconded it and all voted in favor. <br /> Mr. Marsters made a motion that the Chairman support the a-r-t i c le on town <br /> meeting floor~ for a secretary for the Town Planner. Mr, Jonas seconded <br /> it and all gated in favor. <br /> Mr. Dubin asked the members to review all past minutes since May and be <br /> prepared to approve or correct them at the next meeting. Mr. Durbin said <br /> he would inform Michele Stone . <br /> Rowley said he inspected Sea Cas and there a sn't a grade stake t <br /> be found . He told them to get in touch with their engineer to see if the <br /> grade is okay, He said they still have landscaping to do, but have done <br /> some <br />
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