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Zolun of - U!54prfIF <br /> P. O. SOX 1108 <br /> AHPEE, MA <br /> PISA I I G BOARD MINUTES : November 7 1984 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: R i :hard Dubin, Earle Marsters , Harold Collins , <br /> Michele Stone , Richardson Jonas <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles Rowley <br /> ' TME : 8: 05 p.m. <br /> Also present : Tom Fudal,a, Town Planner <br /> Mr, Warwick represented Steven Sack for the c-otination of the subdivision <br /> public hearing . Mr. Dubin abstained from this hearing <br /> Mr. Warwick made the requested changes and there was no in the audience <br /> with <br /> questions on this plan . <br /> Mr. Jonas made a motion to approve the plan, Mr, Collins seconded it and <br /> all voted in furor except for Mr. Dubin who abstained , The Board said <br /> they will hold the plan f � the 20-day appeal period , t the time of <br /> covenant and it was noted on <br /> signing, M Warwick will present a signed <br /> the plan. The Board asked that a letter be sent to the Town Clerk <br /> regarding the appeal. period , <br /> The Board continued with the public hearing on the special._ permit appli- <br /> cation of Edward Grogan. Richardson Jonas abstained from this hearing , <br /> Atty. Kirrane , representing Mr, Grogan, said the Board and public had <br /> raised questions concerning the impact on -the town of Mashpee as a whole . <br /> He presented an impact report done by H , W, Moore Associates of Boston <br /> which he said should address the concerns that were ratied . He asked <br /> Mr. Noise of H ,W. Moore Associates to explain the impact report and <br /> answer any questions , <br /> Mr. Morse said he was asked to prepare a brief impact study and he <br /> contacted other projects in the area. - Summery ood and Sea Oaks , He <br /> contacted the Eine Chief who had no problem with the project as long as <br /> they have the dry wells they can tap into and the roadway allows access <br /> into the project and to turn around . He also spoke with the Police Dept . <br /> and they don 't expect any difficulties , He said the condos would likely <br /> have a lot of older retired and semi-retired people and usually someone <br /> ill be home and the chance of burglary will be diminished . <br /> On the impact of schools : He said after checking with Summerwood and <br />