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a Alun of <br /> pre <br /> 1 <br /> P. 0. BOX .1 108 <br /> A HPEE. MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 11/7/84 Cont . Page 2 <br /> Sea Oaks they have @ 9 children in all and this project may have <br /> children. <br /> On recreation: They have 2 outdoor pools , an indoor pool, tennis courts <br /> and use of facilities in town will be at minimal , <br /> On trash :- It will be by private contractor <br /> On maintenance : By the condo association <br /> On traffic : They did 2. counts - l at Rte 28 & Meetinghouse Rd . and <br /> another at Rte 130 & Central Rd ; but it 's off season and they- saw no <br /> problem. There are levels =F, A being best, and the traffic conditions <br /> were at level A . They estimated summer traffic using Mass , D.P.W . <br /> c-punting station at Rte . 28 in Cotuit and no movementswere down to <br /> F and no one will have a, problem getting in, but it does drop to level D . <br /> On sewerage : A package treatment plant on site . He explianed how it <br /> works , It 's placed far enough from the well so no problem., <br /> Benefits of project; real estate taxes @ '$215, 000; sopping towns and <br /> using restaurants , etc.. <br /> Tom data asked how many trips a day they figured . Mr. Noise said n <br /> more than within residential development - Tom said he would like figures . <br /> Atty. Kirane noted the project will be dome in phases so they won i t <br /> have impact of 204 units in single calendar year. They will be doing <br /> 0 units/Year. <br /> Mary Lopez noted they did an impact on traffic at Rte 130 & Central Rdf <br /> but the Droblem is Meetinghouse Rd. & Central Rd . as it 's a blind corner. <br /> She also noted they said trash would be picked up by private contractor, <br /> but it 's still going t.o the same dump, and if the c ntractor can't bring <br /> it in, the people have access to the dump on their own and can't be <br /> refused as taxpayers , <br /> Mr. Noise said the intersection of Rte . 28 and Meetinghouse Rd . is ars <br /> engineering problem and not caused by project , its . Stone said she felt <br /> they were under empha�si ing traffic and in next 5 years- people can't get <br /> in and out of Rte 28 as it 's a volume problem and not engineering problem. <br /> 114r. Thomas asked if they had done any test wells and if they knew what <br /> the down draw was , Mr. Mann said no, they have to get approval from D Q , <br /> Mr. Ching said DEQE would have the information. He also said re Rte 28 , <br />