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Tolun <br /> P. O. BOX 1108 <br /> 1ASHPEE. MA-02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : September; 19, 1984 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin., Earle Marsters , Harold Collins , <br /> Richardson Jonas , Michele Stone l :2pm <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIME: 8: 00 p.m. <br /> The meeting opened with a public hearing on a subdivision submitted <br /> by Lebel Shields/Frederic Jonas . <br /> The BDrd noted that they didn't have the drainage calcualtions <br /> available , As the Definitive Dlan was, first submitted on 8/1, <br /> the Board had to' take a vote tonight . 4. <br /> Attorney Kirrane said because they didn't want the Board to deny <br /> the plan due to lack of drainage calculations , they would extend <br /> the deadline t o the next meeting and give Mr. Rowley a chance to <br /> review the drainage calculations . r. Warwick would be in touch <br /> with fir. Rowley if the plan needs modifications . <br /> Mr. Marsters rude a motion to extend the hearing for another 20 <br /> days so it will give the Board enough .time to rake a, decision. The <br /> motion was seconded and all present voted in favor~ of the extension. <br /> Mr. Dubin opened the hearing up for public comments . <br /> John Slavins y asked if the single access road it off of Santuit <br /> Pond Rd , <br /> Mr. Dubin rade it clear that this hearing is not the final hearing <br /> for the condo development but a qualification of where -they're <br /> obitaining the proper frontage on an approved road in order to later <br /> have condos , what they're actually doing now is seeing if the road <br /> meets town's standards . <br /> Mrs .. polka asked if it would be the sane type of road for single <br /> family ursit or when you approve this road are you approving i t a <br /> a road for condos . <br /> Mr. Iarsters answered that they 're doing this because theBy-Law <br /> says have- to have 200' of frontage in order to build condos , The <br /> road will be done according to the town 's subdivision regulations <br /> and could be used for single family or condos , but it 's safe to say <br /> they'll be back with condos , <br />