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f Art <br /> P. O. BOA( 1108 <br /> MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> PIANNTNG BOARD MINUTES : 9/19/84 Cant . Page 2 <br /> John Sla.vinsky wanted :to know if any rights by any individual have <br /> to be granted on Santuit Pond Rd . and they have to be granted, he <br /> would like to know if they have been granted and who granted them as <br /> Santuit Pond Rd . ic§ a private road . <br /> Mr. Besse read out of context the latest title which granted Mr . <br /> Frederic Jonas ars easement in 1971. <br /> Mr. slavinsky expressed his concern as to an out of town developer <br /> coming in , running away and leaving the place a mess as has happened <br /> in ether areas in town by ether dev lcpers . <br /> Mr. Besse said his principles would be very much interested in <br /> meeting with the people of the Santuit Pond Association regarding the <br /> condition of Santuit Pond Rd . <br /> Mrs . Polka expressed her concerns-regarding the project 's access will <br /> be within a congested corner where all traffic converges from all of <br /> Santuit Pond development . Mr. Dubin said due to the marsh there <br /> was a li <br />